Sproutable Online Courses

We have courses for everyone

brith to young adults, we got you

What course is for me?

Parents of Teens Audio Summits

6 self-paced audio summits ready for you!

$49-97 USD
Choose from 6 unique audio summits

If you are looking for real, authentic, USEFUL conversations about parenting teenagers – sign up now! These summits are beyond valuable. Listen at your own pace and access a treasure-trove of tools to help you navigate the rocky terrain of parenting tweens and teens.

The topics covered in these mini-summits are hard to talk about. Parents with teens that are struggling often feel very alone and ashamed. Our goal is to shine a light on these topics in a way that allows parents to feel more capable and informed – and to allow all parents to recognize there is no shame here, simply children that are doing the best they can with the tools they have.

Positive Discipline Strategies for School

for parents of elementary aged kids

$97 USD
elementary school

Group of kids return to school during the pandemic.

This seminar series is for any parent or caregiver of elementary school children who is looking to strengthen relationships, tighten routines, and use everyday behavior challenges to teach long-term life skills. This is the perfect dose of inspiration and practical tips to cultivate homes where all children feel connection and belonging and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

There are a total of 6 topics: Positive Discipline Principles, Morning routines, After school, Managing anxiety + teaching emotional regulation, Mindfulness for school-aged kids, and Siblings and Family Systems.

How to Grow Remarkable Kids

for parents of toddlers & preschoolers

$249 USD
preschooler & toddler versions

Experience Positive Discipline homes through videos of real families (no actors!). Learn how to teach life skills, invite cooperation, build strong relationships and find joy and humor in everyday moments. The result? Capable, confident and remarkable kids.

Premium and spotlight courses available. Each course teaches the foundation of Positive Discipline and how these practices are backed by the latest brain and child development science. At the end of this course, you will have a roadmap to support the rest of your parenting journey. With purchase, you will receive both the toddler (15 months – 3 years old) and preschooler version (3 – 8 years old). Officially licensed Positive Discipline online course.

Positive Discipline for Nannies

online certification

$299 USD
nannies, au pairs, babysitters

This online course gives you the framework of Positive Discipline, based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs, and tools from the latest social neuroscience to use when caring for young children, 12 months to 8 years old. Learn to discipline with firmness and kindness, cultivate a sense of belonging and significance through mutual respect and encouragement, and set the foundation for important social and life skills. We show you how to invite cooperation, build strong relationships and find the joy and humor in everyday moments. You will receive a Sproutable certificate to document the completion of the course, along with a portfolio to share with employers that outlines your principles and tools to turn behavior challenges into opportunities to learn and grow.

10 hours of certified professional development.

Looking for something different?


Private coaching with
our Adolescent & Early Years Lead

Free Workshop

Free workshops for parents/caregivers of infants to teens.

What is Positive Discipline?

We incorporate Dr. Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline parent education based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs.  Positive Discipline helps your child feel a sense of significance and belonging through learning important skills of empowerment, self-reliance and cooperation.  This parenting style encourages kindness and firmness at the same time.

Sproutable’s online courses are officially licensed Positive Discipline products.

Kindness is the way we interact and connect with our children, honoring their dignity and respecting their needs.

Firmness is the way we respect ourselves and the needs of the situation, as well as following through with what we say we are going to do.