Eps 265: Solo Show- Belief Behind Behavior Deep Dive Part 2: Misguided Power


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This week’s episode is a SOLO show!!

Takeaways from the show:

Solo Show.jpeg

  • Adlerian theory

  • Our perception of belonging and significance colors the lens we see the world out of

  • Undue attention review

  • Honor your kids beliefs

  • Second mistaken goal: Misguided power

  • Notice how your child’s behavior makes you feel

  • Power struggles

  • Ways adults add to this behavior

  • The importance of teaching your kids to contribute in ways for them to use their power

  • You are not in control of your kids

  • Teens want the acknowledgement of how capable they are

  • Acknowledge your part in the stuff that’s gone down with your teens

  • House rules audit

  • The importance of practicing follow through

  • How to make your child feel a greater sense of belonging and significance

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Clcik the image to download and print

Resources: Coaching Page | Eps 261 | Eps 129 | Eps 177 | Eps 218 | Eps 261 | Eps 263 

See you next week!! 🙂



Joyful Courage is so much more than a podcast! I know that you love listening in every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in you parenting journey.

CONSIDER ONE ON ONE COACHING – The most POWERFUL of investments offered by Joyful Courage, one on one coaching allows for parents to really tease apart the current issues they are having with their child, while also developing a clear compass for guiding them in the direction they want to be going in. Coaching happens every other week, and is open for parents with kids 4 years old through the teen years. Go to my coaching page to book a free exploratory call and see if we are the right fit. → besproutable.com/parent-coaching


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Takeaways from the show

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I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


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