Eps 100: Dr. Tina Bryson Supports Us With Brain Informed Parenting→

Dr. Tina Payne Bryson is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two New York Times bestsellers:  The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline.  She is the Executive Director of the Center for Connection in Pasadena, CA and a pediatric and adolescent psychotherapist.  She keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world.  Dr. Bryson earned her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, where her research explored attachment science, childrearing theory, and the emerging field of interpersonal neurobiology.  You can learn more about her at TinaBryson.com, where you can subscribe to her blog and read her articles about kids and parenting.


  • How Dr. Dan Siegal and Tina collaborated on THE WHOLE-BRAINED CHILD

  • How science can help guide parents in really profound ways

  • Programs, communities and in which Dr. Bryson’s work is taught

  • The importance of HOW are parent shows up to the nervous system of a developing child

  • How getting CURIOUS with your child creates gateways into building important life skills and self regulation

  • How making ASSUMPTIONS delays or stops tool building; ie, taking behavior personal, over explaining behavior, making character assumptions, if they did it once they should be able to consistently complete task/request

  • Paying attention to a developing nervous system

  • If the nervous system is not regulated the child cannot have choice over behavior

  • How to influence the nervous system in both self and child

  • Identification of Dr. Bryson and Dr. Siegals emotional “ZONES”; Red Zone, Blue Zone, Green Zone

  • The Frontal Cortex is not developed yet

  • Children do not have the architecture to control “reptilian brain” / “fight or flight” in red or blue zones – difficulty paying attention, learning, regulating

  • Tools/techniques to get in “green zone” – regulated, calm, empathetic, attune

  • Behavior is communicating child’s lack of skills

  • When to seek out professional help

  • Self regulation – be gentle and kind with ourselves (reference Kristin Neff, of self-compassion.org)

  • New techniques require time and PRACTICE

  • Calming strategy when child is disregulated- get BELOW eye level and use soothing words including “I’m right here with you”

  • Brain associates with physical state – floppy noodle technique

  • Body shift can help shift emotions

  • How discipline is teaching

  • We need to give children tools not take them away

  • Thoughts on consequences

  • Key actions of soothing, connection, problem-solving, playfulness and being pro-active build a “whole-brained” child

  • How to recognize our own “zones” and practice getting/staying into “green zone”

What does Joyful Courage mean to me?

“Joyful Courage to me means having the courage to reflect on our own areas of growth and also having the courage to trust development to unfold. Trusting that we are doing a good enough job.”

Where to find Dr. Tina Bryson:

tinabryson.com – infinite resources to put into practice!
Facebook l Twitter

What to watch for:

New books by Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson
The YES Brain –  January 2018
Showing Up – TBD 

Info from the Show:

Lantern Camps
Kristin Neff, of self-compassion.org
Camp Chippewa  http://campchippewa.com/


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Coaching with Casey

Are you playing with the idea of one on one coaching? I currently have a few spots available in my schedule and would LOVE to work with you.

Coaching with Casey is a three month commitment. We will explore your vision for parenting and even bigger, how you want to show up for your life. We explore mindset, and how shifts in mindset create big shifts in relationship. And finally, we deep dive into the tools and strategies of Positive Discipline for teaching, modeling and practicing life skills.

Coaching is an investment. If you would like to find out more, and explore the possibility that coaching is a good fit for you, schedule a 20 minute explore call.  Click here and we will schedule our call!


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