Eps 126: Tina Bryson is teaching us about nurturing a YES BRAIN

Episode 126

Welcome, thank you for showing up! 

Tina Payne Bryson is BACK ON the podcast today!!  You all remember Tina from Eps 100 – which happens to be THE most downloaded show to date of this podcast.

Tina co-authored two of MY fave parenting books, the Whole Brain Child and No Drama Discipline with Dan Siegel and she is BACK on the podcast today to talk about her NEW book, The Yes Brain.

The Yes brain vs. the No brain

A “yes brain” is a mindset of saying yes to the world, open – neurological state, our brain is integrated and linked up… Over time it becomes hardwired

A “no brain” is fearful, reactive.

I am THRILLED she is back on.


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Takeaways from the show

  • Yes brain and no brain approaches
  • Prompted by “what are the skills my child needs to be successful?” – Tina and Dan Siegel wanted to go beyond academics and gold stars

  • Yes Brain has 4 Components: Balance, Resilience, Insight, Empathy

  • Developmental brain/age/temperament matters

  • Tina shares a story about her own son who seemed to be lacking empathy at a young age

  • Brain develops through experience – What we emphasize (as parents) in our interactions create new linking connection in the brain.

  • Use books, shows, and real world experiences to model and draw forth empathy in our kids

  • Trust development – that what you are doing will pay off

  • Supporting our children in feeling their feelings

  • Normalize difficult feelings

  • Tools to put into practice: Sleep, Survive emotional dysregulation, Rethinking success, and Eudaimonia

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Tina is a mama to 17, 14, and 11 year boys

Yes brain and no brain approaches

A “yes brain” is a mindset of saying yes to the world, open – neurological state, our brain is integrated and linked up… Over time it becomes hardwired

A “no brain” is fearful, reactive

Prompted by “what are the skills my child needs to be successful?” – Tina and Dan Siegel wanted to go beyond academics and gold stars

They need an integrated brain that has a strong/functioning prefrontal cortex

Yes Brain has 4 Components:





Developmental brain/age/temperament matters

Tina shares a story about her own son who seemed to be lacking empathy at a young age

Brain develops through experience – What we emphasize (as parents) in our interactions create new linking connection in the brain.

Use books, shows, and real world experiences to model and draw forth empathy in our kids

Trust development, trust that what you are doing will pay off

Supporting our children in feeling their feelings – support them as they practice tolerating difficult feelings

Normalize difficult feelings…

2-3 tools to put into practice:


When we sleep the brain LITERALLY freshens up

Survive emotional dysregulation

When kids are at their worst is when they need us the most

Co-regulaton – a soothing presence to communicate “you’re safe, I’m here”

Build/teach skills to help them regulate themselves – GREEN ZONE

Check out Eps 100 to hear Tina dig deeper into this

Teach them to understand themselves

Rethinking success

Our children having an authentic self that they can trust

It’s about the journey and not JUST the destination

BIGGER than gold stars and academics

Eudaimonia – happiness comes from meaning, connection and peaceful contentment

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