Hi, I’m Casey O’Roarty

Here’s what I do
There are many ways that I think about what I do. I am a parent coach, a speaker, a trainer for teachers and parent educators. At the core, I believe I am an emotional intelligence mentor in the context of human relationship. How’s that for a word salad? What I mean by that is I support people in their awareness and understanding of themselves, so that they can get better at relating with others, specifically the adolescents in their life.
Learn about meAs a Positive Discipline Lead Trainer, I get to do this work with parents and parent educators – as well as classroom teachers, school administrators and leaders in the workplace. We are relating to others in all domains of life, and the work is the same, regardless of who is in front of us.
Once we are willing to pay attention to our internal experiences – our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations – we begin to form a broader picture of why we react and respond to others the way we do, and we can adjust as needed to increase the likelihood of getting more desirable outcomes with others. Even deeper is the willingness to dig into the conditioning, culture and systems that are also a part of coloring our lens of how we see and relate with the world.
“Life is relational, improving how we understand ourselves and connect with each other is the key to improving our quality of life.”
Click to learn more in the sections below.
Joyful Courage Podcast
If you love a podcast and are a parent of a tween or teen, you are going to want to subscribe and follow Joyful Courage. With over 500 episodes and 1.5 million downloads, there is a reason this show is in the top 1% of podcasts worldwide. One listener recently shared on Facebook:
“I am a loyal listener and look forward to it! There is always a new nugget of information in addition to reiteration of consistent messaging. My favorite is when you remind me of the long game–connection/involvement into adulthood, having a relationship with grandchildren, and the reminder that it won’t be this difficult forever. I love your positivity with authenticity.”
The Joyful Courage Podcast shares interviews with experts and thought leaders on Mondays, and solo shows on Thursday. Search “Joyful Courage” wherever you consume podcasts or click here to listen through the website.

The Joyful Courage Book

I’m an author!
Joyful Courage: Calming the drama and taking control of YOUR parenting journey isn’t your typical parenting book. First of all, it’s short. You can read it in one sitting. Second, it is practical. You can take the tools mentioned in the book and integrate them into your life right now. And finally, it is useful to parents no matter the age or stage of your kiddo.
This book was written and published right as things started to get spicy in my life… And even through I didn’t know what was lied ahead, the book holds up. I know this is a solid resource for all parents who are open to doing the work of showing up better for their kids.
Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., LCSW, Co-author of the bestsellers The Whole-Brain Child & No-Drama Discipline
Dr. Jane Nelsen, author and co-author of the Positive Discipline series of books
Debbie Reber, founder of TiLT Parenting and author of “Differently Wired”
Parenting Classes

This Chinese proverb leans into how the deepest forms of leaning come through experiences. Enrolling into a live class or workshop with me provides the experiential learning that parents, teachers and leaders need for integrating the practices shared into their real life relationships.
Through guided role plays, thoughtful processing and lively discussionslasses, our workshops and trainings offer participants opportunities to step into the shoes of others, reflect on their experience of communication and see a broader picture for themselves and others. The tools presented are practical, useful and encouraging to all.
I love being in the role of facilitator – the dance of guiding activities while drawing forth the learning from participants is an honor, and a skilled that I work hard to continue to grow and develop.
Lori R, mama and class participant
Kim H, mama and class participant
Trista, mama and class participant
Parent Coaching
One on one coaching is for people who are ready to make significant changes in the climate of their home, and want the accountability that comes with a coach. With my vast knowledge of Positive Discipline, plus the deep listening and curiosity I bring to help my clients understand themselves, I get to support parents in deep growth and finding the places that are getting in the way of what they want.
“What do you want to create?”
This is a question that I ask my clients. What do they want to create in their relationships with their kids? What do they want to create in their home? What do they want to create as a future, a direction to point their internal compass towards. From this questions we get to co-create a roadmap for moving in that direction.
Parent, coaching client
Parent, coaching client
Parent, coaching client
Parent, coaching client
Parent Educator Training
As a Positive Discipline Lead Trainer, Casey is qualified to train new Positive Discipline Parent Educators, Classroom Educators, and Trainers. She takes her leadership seriously, working with the Positive Discipline Association leading mentor groups and planning Think Tanks. She is also one of a handful of trained facilitators leading the Art of Facilitating Positive Discipline workshop around the world.
Casey is passionate about mentoring and supporting others in doing the work of Positive Discipline, and appreciates her role in creating a even bigger ripple affect – bringing more mutual respect, belonging and love to to the world’s children through working with others who lead this work.
Hythia Bell, Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator
Keynote & Speaking
Casey O’Roarty is a skilled storyteller and engaging speaker for both large and small crowds. She offers topic-based presentations for keynotes, conference breakouts, leadership training, and parent education sessions.
Signature topics
- The power of Positive Discipline for Middle School and High School
- Making Agreements and Tools that Encourage
- Why we Must Tighten up Screen Limits
- Our Influence Lies in Relationship and Connection
- Understanding Adolescent Behavior
- Personal Growth on the Parenting Journey
I also work closely with event organizers to create talks and workshops that cater to the specific needs of the group. Reach out if there is something specific you are looking for: [email protected]
Kate Prasse
Middle School PTA Vice President
Elmhusrt, IL
Leadership TrainingsSchools and Corporate
The Empowering People in the Workplace training was developed by Jane Nelsen and Dina Emser, is designed to provide a step-by-step approach to help business professionals understand how to create a culture of mutual respect in the workplace. This program stands alone or offers significant enhancement to other leadership programs; it emphasizes experiential activities based on Positive Discipline principles and tools to inspire deeper understanding and change. Participants say that the Team Problem Solving Steps and the Team Meeting process provide engaging and effective tools for them to deal with real challenges they are facing in the workplace.
We are always leading others, whether in our family or at work. As leaders and managers of teams, it is important that we connect, validate and encourage the people that work with us so as to keep moving towards common goals.
This training is ideal for corporate management training, nonprofit leadership, and school staff training.
Positive Discipline for Middle and High School Educators
Casey has worked with hundreds of educators over the years, throughout the United States and globally. She has offered stand alone Professional Development workshops at the start of the school year that center routines, agreements and relationship building. Trainings for the mid-year that serve to energize educators in leveling up encouragement and empowerment in the classroom. And the full, 15 hour Positive Discipline in the Classroom training that serves as both an SEL program as well learning tools to deal with common behavior challenges.
Educators have a tough job (understatement). Students are walking in with all sorts of burdens from their social lives outside of the classroom. Then, you top that with adolescent developmen and it is a challenging time to connect with teens! Covid and the prevalence of smartphones has made the job seem, at times, impossible.
Casey’s training leaves educators feeling seen, appreciated and hopeful. Educators will learn real tools and practices that they can integrate into their work immediately.
Teacher, Everett School District
Teacher, Seattle School District
Teacher, Northshore school District
Teacher, Seattle School District
Positive Discipline
Dr. Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline parent education is based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs. Positive Discipline helps your child feel a sense of significance and belonging through learning important life skills of empowerment, self-reliance and cooperation. This parenting style encourages kindness and firmness at the same time.

Kindness is the way we interact and connect with our children, honoring their dignity and respecting their needs.
Firmness is the way we respect ourselves and the needs of the situation, as well as following through with what we say we are going to do.