Eps 115: Solo show – Exploring trust and surrender as I navigate all there is to learn while raising a teen

Dedication: I love you Jessica, Micki, Stephanie and Jennette. Thank you for being my support and my safe harbor through the journey of raising teens.


Solo show!  I am digging into my own trenches and what is currently alive in my experience of parenting two adolescent kids.  Pulling back the curtain to share what it means to truly pull back the curtain and TRUST the process.


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  • The tension of being a parent educator WHILE IN THE EXPERIENCE of parenting

  • Parenting for the long term…

    • Keeping in mind brain development

    • Mistakes are opportunities for learning

    • Everyone should have a voice

    • Relationship matters

    • Kindness, firmness and trust

  • Bumps up against the mainstream idea of reward/punishment model

  • My own experience of punishment/consequences as a teen

  • Noticing the societal pressure of “she should pay for her mistakes” while also noticing that we have a really good relationship and are exploring her choices together

  • All we can do is increase the likelihood that our children will grow to be responsible, respectful members of society

  • In the process of learning to make choices, our children will make bad choices

  • I know I am not alone in this rub

  • We want our children to feel as though we are our safe harbor

  • Surrender is so complex… or maybe just the depth is profound

  • GRACE: workshop for women through boldlyembodylife.com

  • If trust is our intention, then we have to start with trusting ourselves

  • We then can evoke trust in our relationships

  • Then our teens can lean into trusting themselves (and getting it wrong sometimes)

  • The design of the universe is bigger than me, bigger than my child, and we are all going to be okay – might as well trust that God has our back

  • Trusting what I don’t know, what I can’t know, what I am still on the path to understanding

  • Fear grips the inside of my body, my energy tightens up – shorter breath, tight belly

  • “When fear is present, the teacher is in the room.” – Krista Petty Raimer

  • Events/ experiences are an invitation for me to evoke what I want more of in my relationship with my daughter

  • Neutral/ Think Tree – feeling our feet, grounding into our body, top of our body is open, flexible, available

  • Finding neutral is not about the absence of anything, but about the availability of everything (thank you Mary Jo!)

  • Neutral allows space for relationship with our children

  • The most powerful tool we have for influencing the behavior is the relationship we cultivate and nurture with them.

  • Lisa Damour – swimming pool analogy

  • There is flow and impermanence to the cycles of connection/disconnection that show up

  • Find your people that are going through similar experience and hold a similar parenting style to share raw and vulnerably

  • We are practicing all the time – either our auto pilot OR something new and different

  • Being intentional allows us to GENERATE more of what we want into our life!

  • DAILY INTENTION CARDS – 31 cards for setting a daily intention joyfulcourage.com/intentioncards coupon code: PODCAST for 10% off your first order J


Mother’s Journey to Joyful Courage

One more in 2017 – Boise, ID November 4th – This is for every mom
For more information, shoot me an email – [email protected]
Or register now at www.joyfulcourage.com/mothersjourney


Coaching with Casey

Are you playing with the idea of one on one coaching? I currently have a few spots available in my schedule and would LOVE to work with you.

Coaching with Casey is a three month commitment. We will explore your vision for parenting and even bigger, how you want to show up for your life. We explore mindset, and how shifts in mindset create big shifts in relationship. And finally, we deep dive into the tools and strategies of Positive Discipline for teaching, modeling and practicing life skills.

Coaching is an investment. If you would like to find out more, and explore the possibility that coaching is a good fit for you, schedule a 20 minute explore call.  Click here and we will schedule our call!


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I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


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