Eps 134: Featuring Rebecca Eanes and the Positive Parenting Movement

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Today’s guest is Rebecca Eanes, the author of two books for parents: Positive Parenting The Essential Guide and The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting. She is back to talk to us about her newest resource for parents: The Positive Parenting Workbook. Rebecca leads a community of over a million on her Facebook page, Positive Parenting Toddlers and Beyond.  Join us!

 “I see and speak about parenting as a journey… and the journey is a continuous invitation to continue to practice being the parent we want to be as often as possible.”

“Parenting is one long personal development workshop.”   

“My kids are the best mirrors because in them I have seen my own negative attitudes and bad moods and emotional reactions in really every area that I needed to improve upon.”

“I think we definitely grow ourselves up in the process of helping our kids grow up.”

“Our kids are going to make mistakes every day. If they had perfect parents, they would not know how to get through this world.” 

“Be as gentle and respectful with yourself as you are trying to be with your kids. You are not perfect either and you don’t have to be. We are all growing, we are all learning, we are all flawed, and we all need grace. This is a journey and there’s not a destination yet that I’ve seen. It’s an ever going thing so be good to yourself along the way.”

What you’ll hear in this episode:


  • Dealing with swearing and supporting kids in navigating different rules in different situations

  • Positive parenting and what it really means

  • The role of mutual respect in positive parenting

  • Identifying underlying issues under disrespect

  • Shifting focus: from disrespectful behavior itself to supporting learning that leads to respectful behavior.

  • Leadership in positive parenting

  • Non-negotiables and positive parenting

  • The value in personal development and parenting

  • Moving from behavior patrol to positive parenting

  • The origins of the Positive Parenting Workbook

  • Discipline as part of the parenting pie

  • 7 Pillars of family culture as part of positive parenting

  • Words of wisdom for parents working towards positive parenting

What does Joyful Courage mean to you?

I think Joyful Courage means being brave enough to go against the grain to live true to you and confident enough to believe in yourself and to do so with joy.


Positive Parents website
The Positive Parenting Workbook
The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide
Positive Parenting In Action 

Where to find Rebecca:

Positive Parents website
Creative Child Magazine



Get ready to commit to ACTION that will change everything!

#Joyfulcourage10 is a 10 day program to kickstart your work in growing awareness and bringing more intention to your parenting. Find out more at www.joyfulcourage.com/jc10


Mother’s Journey 

Are you interested in bringing A Mother’s Journey to your community? Get in touch with me! All MJ workshops happening because people like you reach out and say COME! Fill the room with the mamas you love and enjoy a say of love and learning. Email Casey at [email protected] to explore the possibility.


 All the goods at www.joyfulcourage.com/yes

Intention Bracelets

Back by popular demand!! The Joyful Courage intention bracelets are back in stock and I am THRILLED to have been able to have had the community vote on the reminders that are on them…. Breathe, Pause, Trust, Surrender, Kindness – what do you need?


What do you think about the Daily Intention Cards???  These cards are designed to support you in your conscious, intentional parenting practice.


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