Eps 140: Documentary Filmmaker, Delaney Ruston, is on Talking About Screens and Our Kids

Join the Joyful Courage Tribe in our community Facebook group – Live and Love with Joyful Courage.  Raising our children while growing ourselves…


Today’s guest is Delaney Ruston, a documentary filmmaker. She believes in helping kids find balance in our tech filled world. She loves engaging audiences in solution centered discussions. We are discussing her work making the film Screenagers and how to support our kids with finding balance. Join us!

“Just start with one simple change that you want to make and the real growth is when you talk about that with your kids and you show them your journey in trying to make that change.”

“Maybe just pick one thing that you could decide to do that you’re not using tech as you normally would.”

“The key, the most absolute important thing about it is starting with something positive about technology.”

“The brain has a really hard time holding two opposite truths at the same time and it’s particularly hard for kids and teens.”  

“To find sustainable solutions for tech balance and the child and teen brain we’re going to have to work together.”

What you’ll hear in this episode:

·        The neuroscience of technology use and over-use


·       The individual child and technology use – micro impacts vs metadata

·       Setting attainable goals for technology use reduction

·       The power of changing just one thing

·       Recognizing the difficulty of cognitive dissonance in conversations about technology

·       Reducing defensiveness in technology conversations

·       Why 30% of families are struggling with daily fights about technology

·       What studies say about parent device use

·       Distracted parenting and interactions with our kids

·       Learning new skills: how this changes as kids grow

·       Self-regulation and parenting involvement in creating limits

·       Setting aside screen free time as a family

·       Technology and sleep – setting boundaries for wellness

·       Guidelines for young kids to set the stage for later technology use

·       Sleep time, Study time and Family time – technology boundaries

·       Digital etiquette ideas

·       When you’ve given up and need to reign things in

·       Taking stock of how we use our time

·       How to bring Screenagers into your community

·       School policies: prevalence of device use in middle and high schools

·       Impact of device use on academics in middle and high schools

What does Joyful Courage mean to you?

I think life as a learning adventure is why we are on this planet and any time we can change any situation into a learning mentality it saves the day 100% So, we can only put ourselves in those situations when we have the courage to try something new and to know that when we change our mindset to realize, “Hey, what did I learn from that situation?” That’s where the real joy comes from.     


Tech Talk Tuesdays

Where to find Delaney:

Screenagersmovie.com l Delaneyruston.com


Joyful Courage Academy

Find out about the Joyful Courage Academy! 5 weeks of deep dives and parenting tools. Register NOW for the April 30th program –  http://www.joyfulcourage.com/academy


Mother’s Journey

Are you interested in bringing A Mother’s Journey to your community? Get in touch with me! All MJ workshops happening because people like you reach out and say COME! Fill the room with the mamas you love and enjoy a say of love and learning. Email Casey at [email protected] to explore the possibility.


All the goods at www.joyfulcourage.com/yes

Intention Bracelets

Back by popular demand!! The Joyful Courage intention bracelets are back in stock and I am THRILLED to have been able to have had the community vote on the reminders that are on them…. Breathe, Pause, Trust, Surrender, Kindness – what do you need?


What do you think about the Daily Intention Cards???  These cards are designed to support you in your conscious, intentional parenting practice.


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