Krista Petty Raimer and the Self Care Challenge

Episode 15

How much do I love this week’s guest????


Krista is my friend and teacher, she inspires and coaches people all over the planet, AND she has taken time to sit down and puzzle out the self care challenges that SO MANY parents face.

I know you know what I’m talking about because you share it with me all the time – there is no time to take care of myself… I feel guilty…  time for me is at the bottom of the list….

I am telling you – not only have I HEARD it all, I have also EXPERIENCED all of these limiting thoughts and beliefs and allowed them to keep me from engaging in what is one of the most important pieces of parenting – SELF CARE.

You will love the conversation I had with Krista.  Listen in and let me know what you think!!!

You won’t be able to get enough of her!!

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I also did a podcast about my experience at GRACE New York recently — if you want to hear more about my experience – check out that show!

Here are some places you can go to stay connected to Krista and her work:
Her website: 
The Facebook Community: Global Grace
Follow on Instagram: globalgrace_

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