Eps 166: Solo show connecting the dots between how building relationship leads us to more effective parenting

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Solo show!


–       No shows in December, Happy Holidays!

–       January

  • Parenting Teens Audio Summit, YAY!!

  • Launching the first of January – stay tuned to register

  • Summit is live January 21st – 25th

  • Validation, inspiration, nuggets to PRACTICE

–       Patreon

  • Woop woop

  • Alternative to membership program

  • Opportunity to be in exchange of energy

  • www.patreon.com/joyfulcourage

  • $1, $5, $10/month options

    • $10 private FB group, Chaos to Calm Ecourse, monthly Webinar based on the questions that are coming up in the group

 This week’s content:

–       Positive parenting is easy when there isn’t a lot of challenge – more challenging when our kids are rubbing up against our triggers

–       Toolbox metaphor


  • Higher our emotion, more likely we use desperate tools (rewards and punishment)

  • The more tools we put in to toolbox, the more likely it is that the ineffective tools of rewards and punishment slide to the bottom

  • We can always do better

–       Relationship matters!!!!!!

  • When our relationships are disconnected, navigating behavior in a harsh way isn’t useful for anyone

  • Fear takes us towards harsh punishment

–       Mistakes are opportunities to learn

–       There are always consequences

–       Inviting out kids into relationship

  • Can feel uncomfortable

  • Taking accountability for how the relationship currently is and get vulnerable

  • Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean we stop being curious with our kids

–       Start paying attention to the body

  • Support ourselves by noticing what is happening inside

  • We get more access to our toolbox when we are grounded and neutral

  • At the end of the day what is most useful is your relationship

  • NOT permission for being a permissive parent – still hold boundaries

  • Stronger relationship the more likely your child will open up and talk to you

–       Creating an environment where our kids can thrive and be a soft landing when they get it wrong

–       Shame/blame does not promote accountability and personal responsibility


Joyful Courage for Parents of Teenagers

Closed FB group for parents of teenagers. Click here to join us!


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Joyful Courage Coaching

The time is now! If you are interested in working one on one with me now is the TIME. I am taking new coaching clients and would love to support you! Go to www.joyfulcourage.com/coaching and let me know what you need.


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I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


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