Eps 171: Solo Show – Being the calm INSIDE the storm

Join the Joyful Courage Tribe in our community Facebook group – Live and Love with Joyful Courage.  Raising our children while growing ourselves…


Today is a solo show all about being the calm inside the storm.  That is the dream, isn’t it?? Listen in as I tease apart what this means and offer ideas and strategies around how to get there more often.


·      Parenting class

·      Summit

·      Podcast conversations

·      E+R=O

·      Events and experiences….  3 Bs


·      What if nothing changes?

·      What if all we have is how we feel inside of the experience?

·      What do we want to BE/FEEL/CREATE??

·      Feedback matters – internal vs external validation

·      Parenting is a PART of our life that can feel like our WHOLE life

·      Energy of emotion

·      Personal work, small steps with Sid, ACES with Sarah – unlearning supermom

·      Stuck in what it should look like

·      What about acceptance of what is? What about surrender to not knowing the outcome?

·      Influence yes. Hard work and practice, yes.

·      AND you decide how to respond from life — worry fear, that is the present moment experience you create. Openness, love, that is the present moment experience you create.

·      Think about, bring about – energetically we are always influencing our life, our experience




Audio summit for parents of teens

–       One week of real conversations

–       PD trainers who have already been through it

–       The launch starts January 1st

–       Summit will run January 28th – February 1st


REGISTER NOWwww.joyfulcourage.com/teensummit


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I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


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