Eps 173: A solo show about the power of encouragement

Join the Joyful Courage Tribe in our community Facebook group – Live and Love with Joyful Courage.  Raising our children while growing ourselves…


Recap of the summit

–       What happens when we start having real conversations?

–       Community/support

–       Seeing participants in real life

–       Recognizing our attachments and course correcting

–       Gratitude to guests

–       Gratitude to participants

–       $109 and it is your for eva


Saw Brene Brown

–       Seen before

–       Appreciate her realness

–       Familiar stories

–       Story of daughter swimming and conversation around being brave IS winning

–       Are these the conversations we are having with our kids? Are we explicit?


What we notice and what we speak

–       Life skills/qualities

–       Negativity bias

–       How often they ARE using tools/skills – it’s just when they don’t if feels so PAINFUL

–       Our expectation of mastery

–       Layers going on under the surface (meaning of behavior with Alison Smith 110, Iceberg Metaphor solo show 129)


What it takes to stay focused under the surface

–       Vulnerability and humility – it may not be about you

–       Faith

–       Trust/surrender – let go of your attachment to how you think it should be, and also the idea that you KNOW what’s happening for your child when they haven’t expressed it

–       The idea that all humans ultimately want connecting and to know they matter. All of them.  We are hard wired to connect


Our language and messages:

–       Week three at MMS we dug into encouragement vs praise

o   Process oriented

o   Really seeing the child

o   Naming qualities with evidence

§  My story this morning with the waffles and “what do I do with the mix?”

o   I notice, I appreciate, I trust/know/have faith

o   Not for the short term/immediate – but for the long term, internal voice (ep 136 with Kelly Bos about how NOT to become the voice of your child’s inner critic) it is about below the surface, about supporting our kids in changing what they believe about themselves


I am going to do a webinar this month in the Patreon community to diver deeper into encouragement and I hope you join in! The Joyful Courage Super Fam is a group of parents who are giving $10/month to the podcast to support in the sustainability and create a win/win. Members of the community enjoy monthly webinars and online support through our closed facebook page. Check it out at www.patreon.com/joyfulcourage


Have a beautiful week my friends!!  I am going to be watching my tone this week and really working on the sometimes unspoken messages I am sending to my kids when I am less than mindful of what I am doing – and clean up any messes along the way.


Big love!!


Buy the Parenting Teen Audio Summit!

The Parenting Teens With Positive Discipline Audio Summit is a deep dive into the messiness of parenting through the teen years and beyond. Each of the featured guests speaks candidly from both their wisdom as parent educators, as well as their real life experience of raising their own teens.


Check it out – www.joyfulcourage.com/teensummit



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