Eps 180: Dr. Sarah Bergman Lewis Discusses Navigating Trauma on the Parenting Journey
Today’s guest is Dr. Sarah Bergman Lewis. Before attending medical school ,Sarah helped to found a middle school called the Seattle Girls’ School. As part of her 5 years with the Seattle girls’ school she did admission and taught 6th grade Sarah attended University of Washington Medical School. She completed her pediatric residency at Seattle Children’s, has worked in urgent care at Seattle Children’s Hospital, then as a primary care physician.
She and her family later travelled to Guatemala for 3 months where she worked in a local hospital and her kids attended school. Her family will return again this year for a visit and to help launch a partnership between a group of Seattle pediatricians and the Guatemalan hospital.
Outside of works there is pursuing her yoga teaching training certificate and enjoys learning about sharing Integrative Medicine tools with her patients as part of a collaboration between Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and Arc of King County. She is helping devise the curriculum for a mindful self compassion course for Spanish speaking parents which she will co-facilitate in the spring.
Her husband Steve is a nonprofit executive director. She is a mom of two delightful children. Today we are talking about navigating our own self-healing. Join us!
“What child needs most is to have a whole adult in their lives”
“Parenting pushes us to our limits. It challenges our core beliefs and just really pushes us in all aspects of our life like no other arena.”
“Part of navigating parenting is being able to identify why we do what we do and how we feel what we feel and how we are expressing it day to day.”
“Early childhood experiences matter and it matters in a very deep way.”
“The ‘why’ matters.”
“What happens from here is really the most important part.”
“This healing is for everyone.”
“Behavior really is always you know movement towards belonging”
“These things are both universal and deeply personal.”
What you’ll hear in this episode:
Parenting from wholeness, not fear
Adverse childhood events and how they affect parents and parenting
Adverse childhood events study explained
The dose response effect to adverse childhood events
How ACE scores impact health (physical and mental) risks
The shadow side of resilience -
Behavior as a solution to a problem we don’t know about
Epigenetics, what is it and what does it have to do with behavior?
Being aware of what drives our internal “shark music”
Exercising self-compassion around when you’re going to work on your issues
How the way we talk to ourselves impacts how we talk to people in our family
What embodiment means
Encouraging embodiment in our kids
Guiding conversations about embodiment
Discussing screen time with our kids
What does Joyful Courage mean to you?
Oh gosh so joyful courage to me means being all in, you know, with the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful as Glennon Melton Doyle calls it. It is being willing to feel that discomfort and really trusting that it’s going to go to a better place and that it does give you those really joyful moments and those transformative moments even if it, so my my daughter the other day as we were leaving, you know, I was being less than ideal, less than my best self going out the door and she looked at me and she said “Remember, mom, peace begins with me.” and I was like “Oh shoot!” But it’s so true and you know, it’s like, we’re going to be okay.
ACE Score Resources
Where to find Dr. Sarah:
Email [email protected]
Joyful Courage Academy for Parenting Teens
SO EXCITED to be offering up this 4 week program for parents of teens that are looking for support and a connected community to tease apart the challenges of this season of parenting.
Applications are available now through April 7th.
The program will run form May 6th through May 31st.
For more information and to apply go to
“This is great stuff. I appreciate it so much. I feel so much less alone and the positive discipline reminders are so helpful.”
– Mama Sue, current participant of JCA Parenting Teens
“I really think a huge part of this program is you, Casey! You are so comfortable to talk to and hear from. Then combine that will the realness of the participants and I really am enjoying this!”
– Mama Bianca, current participant of JCA Parenting Teens
Joyful Courage: Calming the drama and taking control of your parenting journey
This book is all about how to show up as a Joyful Courage parent so that you have better access tot eh tools you need in hot parenting moments – tools that are helpful and maintain connection with your child.
Presale is April 10th – as many of you as possible buying presale would be FABULOUS. I am going to have some special bonuses TBD for my presale buyers.
Official launch date is May 20th – OMG – so so exciting!!!
The best way to stay up to date on the book news is to join my newsletter list, if you haven’t already. Sign up at www.https://besproutable.us13.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=5e11377e68a482c341b78ff6d&id=d25c237449
Thank you to everyone that has been so encouraging on this journey!!! I appreciate you and we are ALMOST THERE!!!!
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I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.