Eps 190: Getting our nutrition on with Lahana Vigliano

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Today’s guest is Lahana Vigliano. Lahana is a certified clinical nutritionist and CEO of Thrival Nutrition. She has her Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition Science and currently is pursuing her Master’s degree in Nutrition Science. Lahana and her team help support women who struggle with weight loss, hormone imbalances, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and many other lingering issues that leaves women not feeling their best. She uses food as medicine as well as herbs and supplements when needed to support her clients. She looks at the whole body holistically, making sure women are understanding how nutrition, sleep, stress, and their environment impact their health. She creates tons of free resources on her blog, www.thrivalnutrition.com. We’re going to be discussing nutrition and stress. Join us!


“In the question of “Am I doing enough?” We often are actually doing too much..”

“Everybody’s going to be okay if their schedule isn’t completely jam-packed.”


“We miss self-care opportunities just because we aren’t in the mindset of recognizing that we’re having a self-care opportunity”

“Change isn’t going to happen just because you want it to happen, but it will happen when we step into action.”


What you’ll hear in this episode:

·       What is cortisol and what does it do?

·       How cortisol impacts brain growth in kids

·       Most common stressors among parents

·       How sleep interacts with cortisol

·       Cortisol, appetite, and cravings

·       Self-care and reframing what that looks like

·       How much sleep we should be getting to maintain optimal health

·       Finding time for sleep and self-care

·       The stories we tell ourselves about food

·       Making food prep easier

·       Creating barriers around foods that don’t serve us

·       Easy protein sources

·       Ways to make vegetables more accessible

·       Self-limiting beliefs around the scarcity of time and resources

·       Learning to give yourself grace

·       The power of doing something you love

·       Prioritizing self-care to be able to care for others


What does Joyful Courage mean to you?

So I think just, as my life as a mom, a business owner, a wife, I think it just means to really live life to the fullest, you know, having no fear and just being filled with joy with everything that you do, no matter what season, no matter what time in your life because it’s meant to be because it’s building me up to be the person God created me to be. So I’m just kind of going through life with that mantra.



Under Pressure by Lisa Damour

Recipes on Lahana’s website


Where to find Lahana:




Thrival Nutrition Podcast




Joyful Courage: Calming the drama and taking control of your parenting journey


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Thank you to everyone that has been so encouraging on this journey!!!  I appreciate you!!!!



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