Eps 238: Solo show – a personal share about what’s next for Joyful Courage


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Today is a solo show from me… And I am sharing some personal thoughts and plans for Joyful Courage and what to expect through the summer and into the fall.

What a wild first half of 2020

  • Covid 19

  • Quarantine

  • School from home

  • Personal struggles

  • Racial uprising….

    • Stay tuned for a way that you can support a powerful black woman owned biz in the coming weeks <3

  • Timid opening up of the country and approaching summer

I am taking a break from the podcast


  • Revisit my mission

    • Yes parenting, but how can it look so that I am also acknowledging/uplifting non-white voices? There are a LOT of white parenting educators – talk about Leslie’s post calling out white parent educators

    • Really get clear on what I want to bring you next fall

    • Tighten up my vision for Joyful Courage

  • Working on the Risky Behavior Mini Summit

    • Recording the interviews – AMAZING

    • Creating the systems

    • Working on the marketing

    • REGITRATION OPENS TODAY! YAY! joyfulcourage.com/rbms

  • Putting together another 6 week class

    • Actually LOVING teaching through zoom, the current class has parents from all over the US

  • Focusing on my clients

    • One on one coaching

    • Find out more at www.joyfulcourage.com/coaching

  • Focusing on my family

    • As you know….

      • Cancer

      • Teenagers

Hard to step away

  • Don’t want to let anyone down

  • Don’t want you to forget about me

  • Don’t want to lose this communication tool….




Joyful Courage is so much more than a podcast! I know that you love listening in every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in you parenting journey.

READ THE BOOK – Joyful Courage, Calming the Drama and Taking Control of Your Parenting Journey is all about how to show up as a Joyful Courage parent so that you have better access to the tools you need in hot parenting moments – tools that are helpful and maintain connection with your child. Available both in book and audio book form → http://www.joyfulcourage.com/book

CONSIDER ONE ON ONE COACHING – The most POWERFUL of investments offered by Joyful Courage, one on one coaching allows for parents to really tease apart the current issues they are having with their child, while also developing a clear compass for guiding them in the direction they want to be going in. Coaching happens every other week, and is open for parents with kids 4 years old through the teen years. Go to my coaching page to book a free exploratory call and see if we are the right fit. → besproutable.com/parent-coaching


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I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


Casey O'Roarty 0:00
Go, Hello and welcome. Welcome to the joyful courage podcast, a place where we tease apart what it means to be a conscious parent and aren't afraid of getting super messy with it. I'm your host, Casey awardee, positive discipline trainer, parent coach, and in the trenches of the parenting journey with my own two teenagers. Each week, I come at you with a solo show or an interview. You can be sure that the guests on the podcast have something important to say, and I am honored to have you listen in as I pick their brains about what it is that they are passionate about. If you are a parent looking to grow while walking the path of parenting. If you're open to learning new things, if your relationship with yourself and your kids is something you are interested in diving deeper into, then this is the place for you. After you listen, I would love to hear from you. Head over to iTunes and leave a five star review, letting others know what you love about the show, or feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected], I love hearing from listeners, and am always quick to respond if you want to be sure not to miss any of the happenings going on with joyful courage. Join my list. You'll stay updated on the podcast and events that are happening for parents, both online and live. You can join the list at WWW dot joyful courage.com/join. Yay. So glad you're here. Enjoy the show. Hey everybody. Welcome back to the podcast. Welcome. Welcome. It's me solo today telling you what I think about the world, and I'm really happy to be here. And just to start us off with a bang, I want to share a couple of new reviews. I get really excited about reviews. It's funny, just tonight, the night that I'm recording this Tuesday, Monday night, I had week two of my latest six week parenting class. I've got 898, amazing parents that are going through six weeks with me all about positive discipline, and we talked about praise versus encouragement tonight, and how, and what's the difference, and what happens to kids that are raised with a lot of praise versus kids that are raised with a lot of encouragement. And I was reflecting on, you know, I am a child. Well, I'm an adult, but I was a kid who got a lot of praise, a lot of praise, from my well intentioned parents. And as I got older, I noticed the results of that, which is, I have a really hard time with feedback that isn't glowing. You know, I can get 20 amazing reviews and one not so great review, and really kind of kills me. So I say that as I look at the latest reviews, which are all five star reviews, so I'm feeling really good. Dr Constance on June 8, 16th, wrote, I love this podcast. I get many insights from it. Thank you. Her title of the review was so freaking insightful. Yay. On the 18th K he, sir. Actually, I have my glasses on, and yet the font on my computer is just too small. A podcast for real, parents, she gave me five stars. Casey is an amazing person, parent and podcast host, she shows up with openness, honesty and encouragement for the parenting journey. The episodes are a blend of solo shows and interviews which keep things interesting. I recently listened, recently listened to episode 204 which was about her own personal work. Just to remind you, it was me talking about going to therapy, a raw, vulnerable listen that hit me in all the right ways. Her podcast will reassure you that you're not alone in this, and the practice of positive discipline will radically change your relationship with your kids in the best way possible. Check it out. You won't be disappointed. Thank you. Thank you, Cassie. I know that was from you. And finally, awesome podcast, five star review from Dyer Gouda dire Goudas,

three. Dire Goudas, three amazing podcast, I enjoy every episode this week. This week's episode was well needed. For the climate we are in right now. So much takeaways from Vivex style of parenting and thinking. So this came in just last week, on the 20th after this listener heard my last show from last week. So that's pretty special. I wanted to just shout out those people. Thank you so much if you are listening to this podcast, and you love it, and you wait for it to come out every week, and you haven't yet shared what you love about it on iTunes. Would you please do that? I love to hear it, and it really helps my show to be seen by more people. The more reviews that I have, the more people iTunes shows the show to. So please, please, please, head on over there and leave me a review and maybe I'll read it on the air. That's exciting, right?

That's exciting. Okay, friends, it's June 22 this show will come out on the 24th Wednesday, and we're almost we're days away from being six months in to the weirdest year of my personal life that I can remember, covid, 19, home quarantine,

homeschooling, which isn't every you know, not everybody is like having to adjust to that, because I recognize a lot of you are already homeschoolers, but for the rest of us, well, it's new and different, and we're not very good at it. Or maybe we are. Maybe you're living your best life, right on personal struggles, right? We all have our own flavor of personal struggles, and how that has shown up in this time.

It's weird time, racial uprising, right? Racial uprising, which, by the way, stay tuned. I'm super excited. I for those of you that have been listening for a long time and following me for a long time, you'll remember a few years ago, I had some really cool bracelets made. We called them intention bracelets, and they had a little message on them. And I made them. I had them made to support you in your practice of how you be for your kids. Well, the maker of those bracelets is an amazing woman of color who's also a member of the LGBTQ community from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I reached out to her, and I asked her if she wanted to partner with me in creating a fundraiser to support a black owned business of her choosing. And she said yes, and she connected me with this amazing woman who is doing really important work, and I'm going to tell you all about her, and I'm doing this fundraiser for her. So stay tuned in the coming weeks. Get on my newsletter list. If you're not on the newsletter list, get into the Facebook groups, or, for sure, be following me on Instagram, because I'll post about it there. But I am putting together a fundraiser that will be supporting a really special organization that supports families and parents and just being an all around great person. So that's coming. That's coming I'm also working on in my own work, you know, reading and having conversations and trying to figure out, and I'll talk about this in a minute, what direction I'm headed in with my work. Right? It feels like, you know, we've

there's things have been uncovered and revealed in such a way that the way forward looks different than where we've been. So, yeah, that's kind of major, right? I wonder if I'm alone. I know I'm not. I know a lot of you are awakening to your own bias, to your own kind of silence around racism, white privilege, all those things, having your own experience with it. So again, I know I've said this before, my agenda for speaking to my own process is simply to be a model for what it can look like, because it's not easy, and we don't want to get it wrong, and we don't want to, you know, we don't want to look foolish, we don't want to hurt anyone. Yet, silence is no longer acceptable.

Yeah, and then finally, you know, we're heading into the summer, and you. We're, I mean, there's like this timid opening up of the country, I guess. I mean, we went, we did go out to dinner the other night, my family and I, we went out to dinner to a restaurant that's open. It was actually on Friday, on Juneteenth, um, there's a black owned restaurant up here in Bellingham that we love called Brandywine. Shout out to Brandywine and they we went out to dinner. We wore our masks. They had the restaurant dialed in so that there were big plastic partitions, but in like lots of space right between tables. But it felt really weird. It also felt really good, like it felt like, I mean, it almost made me emotional, just being able to be out in the world and have it feel almost like, oh yeah, this is what it normally feels like. So, but this is happening, this timid opening up, so all of these things, right? This whole first six months. And what I want to talk about today on the podcast is I need to share with you my plans, and I know that many of you have come to really love getting a new show every week and listening in to my amazing guests and my oh so insightful solo shows, but I need to take a break. I'm going to take a break from publishing the podcast, and my plan is to be back in September. My plan is to be back in September, but to really use the next two months for some other things. I won't not be busy, but I do need to step back a little bit from the podcast, because it's a lot of work, right? And I want to revisit my mission. So you know, like, what I was talking about with the racial uprising that's happening. I know that my context is parenting. It's what I love to talk about. It's where my niche is. I also love to talk about humaning and personal growth, and I really am going to do some deep seeking, like soul searching, about how I can continue my work in a way that's also acknowledging and uplifting non white voices. Um, there's a lot of white parent educators, but you know what? There's also a lot of parent educators who aren't white, there's an amazing woman, Leslie from Latinx parenting. She wrote this really good blog post earlier this spring, really calling out the fact that when you know summit season, like when there's a million parenting summits that you can do for free, you know those ones, and there's like 25 people and two interviews a day. And get your fix. I don't know if you've noticed, but often, when those summits are being promoted, there's usually one post with everybody's picture on it. And what do you see? Often, 99% of those faces are white. Leslie wrote a post. Leslie Priscilla wrote a post about like, hey, guess what, not all parent educators are white. Why aren't there seats at the table for people of color who are parent educators? It's the reason, you know, it's something that I noticed as well, which is why, you know, starting with January, when I did the mental health adolescent mental health summit, as well as the sex ed for parents Summit, as well as this upcoming risky behavior mini summit, I make a point of seeking out non white voices, because when I open my email, there are often emails from people who want to come be on the show. And I take a deep breath and I say, Okay, I'm gonna check out this person's website. And sure enough, it's another middle class, white lady, just like me. And I really feel like I have a platform, and I have, you know, just this great opportunity for all sorts of people to come and share the work that they're doing. So I really want to kind of, you know, tighten up my mission. I believe that positive discipline and parenting is social justice work, not as explicit as some other ways of teaching social justice, but the premise of positive discipline is that all humans are equally deserving, or all humans are deserving of dignity and respect. That if that's true in our home, that's true in our neighborhoods, that's true in our towns, in our workplace. In our government that all humans are equally deserving of dignity and respect, and that's social justice, my friends, that is social justice. So what's it going to look like? I don't know. That's why I'm going to take a little time. I want to get really clear on what I want to bring you next fall. I want to tighten up my vision for joyful courage, and you can be sure that it'll still be me showing up in all of my imperfect glory and authenticity. And you know, my hope is you're along for the ride, because I just want to do right by the world. I want to be a part of the solution. I want to be I don't want to let this moment in time go by and have everything go back to status quo. I can't. I don't want to be a part of that. I want to be a part of something new. So taking a couple months off also, I'm going to be working on the risky behavior mini Summit. Oh my gosh. And I'm over halfway through with the interviews, and they're so good. They are so good. My guests are so brilliant, and we have such great conversations. And really, you know my goal with that mini Summit, Summit, just like the other ones are, for you to get to listen in, right? For you to get to listen in. And so many of you have chimed in, in the joyful courage parents of teens Facebook group around the questions that you have about vaping and weed and drugs. And I've grabbed as many of those questions as possible and added them into my outline, so my guests and I are really going to tease a lot of that apart for you super excited, and creating the systems for that, so that when you register, you know you get the email, and everything is flawless as possible, except for for you hotmailers, everyone who has a Hotmail email, I just want to tell you, it's time to update. Please update your email, because, oh my gosh, every time I do a summit people with Hotmail and Yahoo accounts, it's an issue, so I don't know. You might want to figure that out. Gmail is the bomb. Just do it.

Also this summer, I am going to continue to work with my one on one clients. If that's something that you're into or even considering it. Do you know that you can book an explorer call? It's free. Just like 15 minutes. We get on the phone, you tell me a little bit about yourself, I tell you a little bit about coaching, and we get to decide if we're a good fit. So if this summer feels like, oh my gosh, I've got to do something, things are falling apart.

I'm your girl. I'm your girl. Plus, I got to take a break from this podcast, because, as you know, I got some shit going on in my family. Just to update you today, well, the next week, my husband will be finishing up his third round of cancer treatments. If you've been following you know, a few months ago, he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, which is a blood cancer that lives in the bones, and his body is really taking well to the treatment, which is very exciting. We did get our first bill. Holy guacamole, cancer is not cheap. Yeah, so, you know, it's time to be together, hunker down as a family. I work a lot you guys, and it's evenings and it's weekends and it's whenever I can, but I, you know, I'm really feeling like this summer is a great opportunity to scale back a little bit and be with my family, be with my teenagers. I

got one who seriously has one foot out the door so as much time as I can get with her that she'll let me is awesome, and it's hard to step away, right? I mean, I know that I'm not alone when I say that, sometimes we say yes to things because we don't want to let people down, right? We don't want people to stop asking. We don't want them to forget about us. We don't want to, you know, feel disconnected and lose communication. And that's, you know, that's comes up for me, right? I

don't want to let you down. You've come to really enjoy this weekly show, and I want to keep providing it for you. I don't want you to forget about me. I don't want you to get out of the routine of listening and expecting to see the show and then move on. I don't want to break up.

And this is such a great way to communicate directly to you. However, I am going to take Joe. In August, off from the podcast. So here's what I want you to do. You're going to get this again in the little outro, but I want you, if you're not already a part of the Facebook groups this summer, I want you to join live in love with joyful courage and or joyful courage. Parents of teenagers are really amazing parent groups where you I mean, I'm constantly so proud and grateful of the community that has

shown up in those places when somebody posts a challenge or a problem, the compassion and the love and the tenderness that shows up in the feedback that people are giving is just really special, especially for groups the size of mine, that the teens group has over 1000 people in it. I don't know how many people are in live in love let's see. It's a lot, though. I do know that the live in love group has, and every day people want to join because they hear, Oh, this sounds like good one. I'm going to check it out. Yeah, the live in love with joyful courage has over 1700 people in it, and it's kind and loving and helpful. So check out those groups on Facebook. If you're not a Facebook person, but you love Instagram, head over there and follow joyful underscore, courage. I show up there pretty regularly. My daughter does some posting for me on Instagram. It's definitely more Well, it's kind of a Morph of business as well as personal. But I like hanging out there. And also I have a newsletter. So if you go to joyful courage.com/join if you go there, you'll see that there is a little sign up deal, and you can sign yourself up and be a part of the newsletter. And this summer, my plan is to send out a newsletter every other week. I will be promoting the risky behavior Summit. So you'll there'll be a couple extra emails in July. But like, my goal is regular every other week emails so we can stay connected. So those are some ways to stay connected to me over the summer, and I know you're gonna be busy. Gonna be are you gonna be traveling? I don't know, road tripping, maybe camping. Hopefully you're creating some routines. I say that, and I'm like, yeah, Casey, hopefully you are creating some routines, keeping it real over here, yeah, transitioning from weird school year to weird summer, right? Doing what we do. I am here for you. Just know that you can always reach out to me. I respond to emails, and no also in August, I will be recording podcasts for the fall. I do plan on coming back. I'm super excited to continue to serve you, and I'll see you in some other other places and other spaces. But I love you so much. Happy Summer Solstice that happened this weekend. Happy, almost Fourth of July if you're here in the States. Big, big, big love to you and your family. Stay healthy, stay connected, and I will be back. I'll be back in September with some brand new podcasts for you all right. Big, huge love. Thank you so much for listening. It is my great honor to create this show for all of you. Big thanks to my producer, Chris Mann at pod shaper, for his work in making the podcast sound oh so good. If you're interested in continuing these powerful conversations that start on the podcast, become a patron by heading to www.patreon.com/joyful courage. That's www dot, P, A, T, R, E, O n.com/joyful, courage. For $5 a month, you will have access to a private Facebook group where I do weekly Facebook lives on Mondays and interview recaps on Fridays. Plus it's a great way to give back to the show that gives you so much. Be sure to subscribe to the show. Head to Apple podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play, wherever you are listening to podcasts, and simply search for the joyful courage podcast and hit that subscribe button. Join our communities on Facebook, the live and love with joyful courage group and the joyful courage of parents of teens groups are both safe, supportive communities of like minded parents watching. Working the path with you. If you're looking for even bigger, deeper support, please consider checking out my coaching offer. Www dot joyful courage.com/coaching. Is where to go to book a free explore. Call with me and we can see if we're a good fit. I'll be back next week. Can't wait until then. Big Love to you. Remember to find your breath, ride it into your body, take the balcony seat and trust that everything is going to be okay.

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