Emily Roberts is on Talking Social Media and Kids

Episode 31

I love Emily Roberts!!  There is a good reason she is called “Guidance Girl” – this woman has so many gifts and wisdom to share…  She knows tweens and teens – she has an inside perspective and shares it on the show.

Listen in and broaden your perspective around the online social life of your children.

Emily and I have a candid conversation about what parents should be thinking about and how we can be building relationship through navigating this online social world with our kids….

This is a looooooong podcast because I just can’t stop talking to Emily!!

Resources mentioned:

American Girls: How Social Media is Disrupting the Lives of Teenagers
Express Yourself: A Teen Girls Guide to Speaking up and Being Who You Are

Other articles and interview with Emily:

An interview about social media addiction
What Every Parent Needs to Know about Cyberbullying

Follow Emily’s work:

One her website
On Facebook
On Twitter
On Pinterest
On Instagram
On YouTube

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