Eps 336: Solo Show Helping our Teens Feel Seen

Episode 336

Today I am back with a FRESH solo show for you! I dig into the phrase “I believe you” as I understand it from Dr. Becky Kennedy’s work. What would have happened if our parents had said that to us as teens? What could it open up in our relationship with our OWN teens if we are willing to say it to them?

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Takeaways from the show

  • Latest happening with Joyful Courage
  • Back to school and update from our house
  • The impact of week’s episodes of We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle (see links below)
  • Dr. Becky Kennedy’s work
  • The power of “I believe you.”
  • Considering what “I believe you” would have meant to us as teens
  • What makes it hard to sit with our teen’s shares
  • What having an open, honest relationship with our teens really means
  • My story of holding space for a hard share from one of my teens
  • Validation as a gift vs a tool
  • Shifting from “How do I make sure my kids don’t break any rules?” and instead embrace, “How can I show up in a way that invites my child to see me as a safe space for sharing and processing the experiences they’re having?”

What does Joyful Courage mean to you?

Today, stepping into joyful courage is all about trusting the process and the power of being in relationship with my kids. Joyful courage is letting go of the idea that I can prevent choices that I might not like from happening, and instead believing that every experience and decision my kids make is something for them to learn from and will lead them forward towards who they are meant to be. Joyful courage is saying “I believe you” and meaning it.\

Resources Mentioned:

We Can Do Hard Things – Breaking Cycles and Reparenting Yourself with Dr. Becky Kennedy: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-cycles-reparenting-yourself-with-dr-becky/id1564530722?i=1000579281486

We Can Do Hard Things – How to Raise Untamed Kids with Dr. Becky Kennedy: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-raise-untamed-kids-with-dr-becky-kennedy/id1564530722?i=1000579533370

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