Eps 362: Global parenting with Hunter Clarke-Fields
Episode 362
My guest today is Hunter Clarke-Fields.
Back from Abu Dhabi, Casey and Hunter reflect on Parenthood: The Unconference. Hunter shares how she got involved with the conference, and they remember what it was like to visit the UAE (including a trip to a camel festival and being anointed with oils)! They discuss the universality of parenting challenges despite other cultural differences. Casey and Hunter finish by sharing what tools they used to stay confident on a global stage like mindfulness, self-compassion, & preparing beforehand.
You may remember Hunter from Episode 209, nearly three and a half years ago, when she came on the show and talked about her book, “Raising Good Humans.”
Hunter is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course, host of the Mindful Mama podcast and author of the bestselling book Raising Good Humans. She helps parents bring more calm and peace into their daily lives. Hunter has over twenty years of experience in meditation practices and has taught mindfulness to thousands worldwide. She is the mother of two active daughters, who challenge her everyday to hone her craft! Learn more about Hunter at MindfulMamaMentor.com.
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Takeaways from the show

- Reflections on Parenthood: The Unconference
- Universality of parenting challenges
- Tools that helped Hunter & Casey feel confident and happy presenting on a global stage
- The power of community
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abu dhabi, parenting, felt, conference, people, speakers, julieta, camel, talk, casey, hunter, dubai, team, stage, raising, culture, experience, invite, kids, speaking
Rachel Macy Stafford, Casey O'Roarty
Casey O'Roarty 00:04
Hey, welcome to the joyful courage podcast a place for inspiration and transformation as we try and keep it together, while parenting our tweens and teens. This is real work people and when we can focus on our own growth, and nurturing the connection with our kids, we can move through the turbulence in a way that allows for relationships to remain intact. My name is Casey already, I am your fearless host. I'm a positive discipline trainer, space holder coach and the adolescent lead at spreadable. I am also the mama to a 20 year old daughter and 17 year old son walking right beside you on this path of raising our kids with positive discipline and conscious parenting. This show is meant to be a resource to you and I work really hard to keep it real transparent and authentic so that you feel seen and supported. Today is an interview and I have no doubt that what you hear will be useful to you. Please don't forget sharing truly is caring. If you love today's show, please pass the link around snap a screenshot posted on your socials or texted to your friends. Together we can make an even bigger impact on families all around the globe. I'm so glad that you're here. Enjoy the show. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the pod. My guest today is Hunter Parkfields. You may remember hunter from Episode 209, nearly three and a half years ago, when she came on the joyful courage podcast and talked about her book raising good humans I can't believe that was three years ago. Hunter is the creator of the mindful parenting course host of the mindful mama podcast, and author of the best selling book raising good humans. She helps parents bring more calm and peace into their daily lives. Under has over 20 years of experience in meditation practices, and has taught mindfulness to 1000s worldwide. She is the mother of two active daughters who challenged her every day to hone her craft. You can learn more about Hunter at mindful mama mentor.com. A link that will make sure is in the show notes. I enter Welcome back to the pod.
Rachel Macy Stafford 02:20
Hi, Casey. So nice to be hanging out with you again,
Casey O'Roarty 02:24
I'm so excited to talk to you. So we recently were together on the other side of the planet, and thought it would be a fun idea to come on and talk about our experience around the UN parenting conference that was held in Abu Dhabi last November, you were part of the team putting together the list of speakers to invite to apply. Will you share a little bit about how you got involved in that conference? I love this story.
Rachel Macy Stafford 02:56
It's funny because I was curious myself about this question to the conference got postponed because of COVID at one point. So they reached out to me over a year ago. And I got a random message through LinkedIn. And I don't even I don't even like I'm just like, occasionally I'm like, Okay, I'll look at some of these messages. And you know, there was this group reaching out from the Abu Dhabi government about a conference and I was like, this is probably spam or some kind of weird thing, but maybe it isn't. So I'll just see whatever. They wanted to have a meeting. So okay, I'll meet with them. Who knows what this is probably not a real thing. But it turns out, it was a real thing. They had been looking for a parenting expert, I guess they found me through, you know, mindful parenting and raising good humans, to help them select speakers from different parts of the world, outside of the Middle East region, for this conference that the government of Abu Dhabi wanted to put on in this city of Abu Dhabi, the Emirati of Abu Dhabi, and I had to kind of look it up and you know, say, Okay, where's this? What's going on? Let me understand this part of the world. For me, it was sort of a part time job where I would be a speaker, and then I would get to invite other speakers, I thought that would be fun. And also, it's a way to bring a direction and a certain amount of influence to an area about different ways of thinking about parenting, which, you know, my mission is like to shift the way people think about parenting. So this, you know, this is right in alignment with my mission. So, I got started with this incredible team, and I felt great because I was like, I'm inviting people to a party. This is so fun.
Casey O'Roarty 04:48
Oh, my God, that sounds so exciting.
Rachel Macy Stafford 04:51
Yeah, it was cool. I kind of like okay, this is fun. I made my wish list of people I wanted to bring to Abu Dhabi and I had to think about different topics and subjects and things like that. And people whose work would complement each other as well. And it was very exciting. I suggested many speakers, some were accepted, and some weren't. But for me, it was interesting. I kind of didn't think until later, like, oh, it kind of as the conference started to actually roll around in actuality, then I started to then realize, oh, all these people who know me who are coming to this thing, because of me, because they don't know anything about this place. My reputation is really on the line here. I hope it goes well, because I had never even crossed my mind that it wouldn't go well until like, right before the conference started to roll around. And then I started to get really worried. I was like, oh, gosh, I hope they pull it off. And because I've just been expecting that it would be amazing all the way along. But luckily, it kind of was amazing. So Oh,
Casey O'Roarty 05:54
my gosh, it was it was beyond amazing. And I felt, first of all, just so honored. I remember getting that email from you and just reading it, reading it, reading it again. And just being like, Wait, what is Hunter inviting me to do? Oh, my gosh, you know, and then the application process and encouraging you to include Julieta school, my business partner and your trust in me, and willingness to allow her to apply to and then both of us waiting, I just remember the waiting, waiting, waiting waiting to hear is is even a real thing. We would talk about it in our team meetings. Okay, well, we're holding November, we're holding the space. And we'll see what happens, you know, and then finally getting that email of like, we are so excited to have you come and before I get to that. So when you were in conversation with this government agency in Abu Dhabi, and they were explaining their vision, what was it that they wanted to create for the people, the Emiratis, that were going to come to the conference? Well,
Rachel Macy Stafford 07:01
I was part of an international team. So it was myself. And there was, you know, amazing people, like people who had been working and creative heads of Google and all, like really esteemed people who had done lots of conferences before and I really hadn't. So I kind of felt like, Okay, well, I'm just kind of the parenting person here. You know, they were really, really great team, and they had connections to lots of amazing people. And they were just an incredibly supportive, wonderful team. But what I came to understand through them was that, you know, one thing that's interesting about Abu Dhabi is that there is a push to grow and push towards education, a push towards lots of liberal things, which are, you know, traditionally, for the area, it's right next door to Saudi Arabia, like at one point before the 70s, like they were connected. So the area can be culturally very, very conservative. And it is Islamic country. They have different cultural and religious roots. But also, it's a very international country. And that like 85% of the population of Abu Dhabi is expats from like, 156 different countries. So it was really interesting. The idea was, we want to find what is the most progressive thinking in parenting. And that was really exciting for me, because I was like, Okay, well, if that's the case, then this is great. And the idea was, what is the most up to date progressive thinking about parenting? And so that was super, super exciting to me.
Casey O'Roarty 08:34
Yeah. Yes. So exciting. I mean, there were so many contrasts, right, like even being boots on the ground there and Julieta. And I traveled there, we spent the weekend before the conference in Dubai, it was very important to me, like, I want to respect all of the rules, you know, for women, and how we need to dresses
Rachel Macy Stafford 08:53
just for the listener. Dubai is like New York City. And Abu Dhabi is like Washington, DC, or the UAE, like Dubai, you know, has the tallest buildings and like crazy, you know, ski slope inside and all that stuff. And then Abu Dhabi is like, the DC, which is just like slightly more conservative.
Casey O'Roarty 09:14
Yeah, well, a lot more conservative, in my experience. I mean, and even in Dubai, it was like walking on the beach and seeing, you know, women covered head to toe, passing by another woman in the G string bikini, like and everybody's doing their thing. And it was such an contrast. Right, especially in Dubai, for sure existed less so in Abu Dhabi, but I love that and talking to her. Her Excellency, the leader of the government agency that was putting together this conference, her vision, like I remember her saying something like we need to catch up. We want to catch up, right to this progressive minded way of being with our kids and raise and kids and families and having conversations with her and her excitement. And I'm kind of slightly embarrassed right now. I only heard Her Excellency. And so what was her name? Sarah?
Rachel Macy Stafford 10:11
So no, I'm terrible names. That is something like Sarah, I'm sure I've forgotten, like half of the speaker's names, I would have to like, see
Casey O'Roarty 10:18
them? Yeah, totally. But it was really inspiring. I mean, she was at this level of leadership, where she was the only woman of their excellencies. And, you know, for her to really push this vision for a conference that really expanded the mindset around how we be with our kids, I thought was just so inspirational on so many levels. And I, like I said, was super excited that you reached out to me, and that I got to do this thing, while also feeling very much like, my only idea about the culture of that part of the world comes from TV and movies, right? And this feeling of representation. And I'm just a white western woman showing up on stage to talk about parenting, there was really some inner dialogue that I had around, like, what makes me worthy of this microphone. Did you have any experience around that?
Rachel Macy Stafford 11:12
I mean, we're just talking about how to stop yelling at your kids, which it turns out is like, incredibly universal. And in fact, I think a lot of parenting topics were surprisingly universal. I talked to Dr. Laura Markham about it, because she's taught in China on all different parts of the world. And she said that it's incredibly universal parenting and the challenges that we are dealing with with kids. So there were huge cultural differences. And yeah, we didn't really know about them, going into it very much at all. Kind of my cultural Crash Course was, you and I both were there were the camels. Like we went to the first day we for the conference, we were brought to a camel Festival, and then a traditional Emirati dinner at night. So in the day, we were brought out to a camel Festival, and Casey and Julieta had gone to Dubai first. So they were in Abu Dhabi earlier than most of the other speakers. So as Casey and Julieta. And then like me, and like the organizing team.
Casey O'Roarty 12:14
It was awesome. I felt very special that I got to spend the day with you guys.
Rachel Macy Stafford 12:17
We are all brought out to the desert. And there we were brought to a tent with golden chairs, a room with golden chairs, in the tent and around the tent. They're all these Bedouin men and camels. So men in the traditional white garb and the head scarf. And they taught us about the camel culture. And then we got to go, we ate dates, and we were given coffee. And then we got to go and go out to these camel beauty contest and learn about how they screened for Botox. Waxing camels, and collagen pillars and camels, which is amazing $2 million candles. It was so bananas. We learned a whole lot that day. And then that night, we had this incredible experience. And both of these were very kind of deep dive into the culture because then we also had a lunch. But then a night we had this dinner where it was traditional. So the women were brought inside, whereas the men were brought outside to attend. And by now a lot more speakers had arrived. So a lot of people came to this dinner in a home and it was somebody's magnificent home. And we were in this magnificent space. And the first lady Botswana was there and there were many of us and people serving us beautiful drinks and chocolates and we got to dance and I got to talk to their 14 year old daughters of the House who were dancing. We talked about Halloween.
Casey O'Roarty 13:47
And just gorgeous. Like I'm thinking back to the beautiful gowns they were wearing and the makeup and the sense remember they brought out all the different scents.
Rachel Macy Stafford 13:56
Yes, the perfumed oils. Yeah. Gosh, it was we were anointed literally with oils, which was so interesting to experience. Yeah, for for many of us, and we had to kind of like, there was some quick Googling and the bus ride home to kind of understand, well, what had happened with these oils, why were we going to end with oil? And we found out it was a great honor. There was very expensive oils. And you know, it was this lovely honor. From what I understand or came to understand is that there's a big culture of privacy in that culture, which may be why we weren't instructed on a lot of the cultural things ahead of time, because there is a big culture of the private home and then parenting the conference was so interesting because it really dives right into the heart of the relationships in the private home. Right, the most private, intimate relationships. We even had a speaker of a tell Schreiber talk about partner intimacy in Abu Dhabi. It was like wow, Come and do it incredibly well and very sensitively. And so it was really interesting. It felt like we had this invitation in, like, in that dinner, we had this invitation into this private home. And the way the whole conference was like this invitation into the family home, you know, did you kind of feel that way?
Casey O'Roarty 15:22
Yeah, totally. I have to just go back to the camel day, because my biggest takeaway from that day is, oh, shoot, I put my hands on people a lot, a lot. And there was one particular guy who was so great. I mean, he was kind of our main character of the day, right. And he was so fun and so engaging, and animated. And I mean, I was standing next to him so much, put my hand on his shoulder. That's arm and Juliet, I finally was like, Casey, you're not allowed to touch him, quit touching him. And then once I knew that rule, I realized, oh, my gosh, I do this all the time. It was so hard for me. But, you know, there's so many small, little nuances to learn. And yeah, I loved that it was designed for us to deep dive prior to the conference, it was so nice to step on the stage when it was finally my turn. So the conference was a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I spoke at 5pm on the Thursday, and to look out at the people and I talked about teens, you know, raising teens and creating agreements and had this whole metaphor around, you know, getting in the passenger seat, and really allowing for our teens to move through their experiences. Without this overlying, you know, idea of you can control it,
Rachel Macy Stafford 16:41
which is a very challenging message, yes, or that arrogantly
Casey O'Roarty 16:45
absolutely very challenge. And I was so grateful to have had some experiences, some cultural experiences, and then to also be able to acknowledge, like, Hey, I'm a Western woman from the United States. And I'm learning about your culture. And there's so much more for me to learn. And I just invite you to listen and take what lands for you, you know, and I felt like a collective sigh from the group when I said that, because we did dig into some things. And I invited people up to the stage and did some experiential activities. The highlight was, I did an activity around empowering versus discouraging are teens. And one of the volunteers who was volunteering as a parent burst into tears in her processing on stage. And I know so nobody can see this, but Hunter just made a sad face. In my heart. I'm like, oh, yeah, like when somebody is moved emotionally like that, when we're working together, it makes me feel so good, because I know that what we're moving through is impactful. You know, that was such a highlight for me. And you know, and she's a traditional Emirati woman and, you know, head to toe and black, her face was revealed, she didn't have the full face covering. But there's a picture of me with my arm around her and her just kind of burrowing in. And it's such a special moment that was captured. Here I am on the other side of the world, offering an experience that is landing in the heart of this mother. I mean, I don't know how many times while we were in Abu Dhabi, I said to you, under Thank you, thank you for that initial email, because it was so special on so many, so many levels, so many levels.
Casey O'Roarty 18:51
Talked about like that private, you know, those kind of universal topics, like we're all raising teenagers, we're all trying not to yell. We're all looking for more intimacy in our partnerships. There was a talk specifically calling in fathers that was very well attended. There was a lot of fathers at the conference, which I thought was really powerful as well. What were some other cultural through lines that you saw, during the conference between just kind of what we were bringing and the people of Abu Dhabi and what they were craving?
Rachel Macy Stafford 19:27
I mean, I think that there's a similar thing happening there. In a lot of ways that's happening here, where there was this sort of traditional culture. You know, there is this still is this in a lot of ways and this is true here in the United States, this culture of authoritarian parenting, where the parents rule specifically the father rules and you know, those rules are enforced through fear and there isn't a lot of connection necessarily. And what I see there as well as here is a real desire for parents of this generation to move away from that to have desire to move towards relationship and connection, and that definitely crossed the boundaries, like, we don't want, you know, necessarily our kids to hate us and fear us, right. And we're starting to put together the pieces of what are the things that our parents did that created that, and how can we shift away from that, and we're starting that movement away from that. But you know, curiosity of what is on the other side of that, you know, what will it look like, etc. So, that was, I think, the cultural throughline I saw. Yeah. And it was nice that the speakers, you know, the message was, everybody was in agreement on that message in a lot of ways. And someone who went to the conference would hear the message in many different ways and many different voices, About Us calming our reactivity, right, I talked about how to stop yelling at your kids, they learn different ways to calm their reactivity in many different circumstances in many, many different ways. And so it was great to see some of these messages of greater awareness and greater compassion being reiterated in many different voices, because that's how we all learn things right is through repetition. And so I was excited about that. To me, it seems like it's like a global movement. Yeah, way.
Casey O'Roarty 21:27
Yeah, it felt like that. And I loved having the opportunity to go and see each other speak. I was glad to be in the middle, so that I could reference some of the other speakers, right, Dr. Shefali was there Chris Willard was there and even stepping on stage. Once it came time for me to talk, I felt pretty confident until I stepped on the stage. And then my whole body started to tingle and my heart started to raise Like, it wasn't in my head. It was in my body. And I got on stage. And I said, Oh, there it is, you know, and I could see Chris in the crowd, and had just watched him speak, I think that morning, and kind of shouted out to him like, okay, Chris, you know, I'm using some of the tools that you talked about in your talk about mindfulness. And, you know, coming back to calm and referencing, you know, some of the messages that Dr. Shefali had brought up and talking about generation mindful and some of the things that were brought up in her talk, like, it was really lovely to feel like you said that alignment in our messaging, as we took the stage and talked to and with the parents of Abu Dhabi, it was so special and so powerful. And I really credit your team, in the ways that you connected the speakers, because that was like, the best part of the conference was getting to know everybody else who was so jazzed, like, we're all kind of like, I mean, there was a lot of speakers from the area, who were, you know, less like, Oh, my God, where are we right now? The rest of us. So we're like, Oh, my God, what's happening. And it was just so special to have so many touch points with each other, whether it was, you know, getting to eat together throughout the day, watching each other's talks, the dinners that we did together, the cultural experiences that were offered to us. It was just, it was so cool. I mean, it was just so cool.
Rachel Macy Stafford 23:30
Yeah. And there was a lot of support people, we came together and support each other, you know, we realized, like on my team that helped to bring a lot of the speakers and we realized, Oh, now that we're here, we're gonna have to support these speakers in like, where do you go, and where's what was what? And it was interesting, because I was really jet lagged. And it was a bigger crowd than I had really ever spoken before. And I was also excited about meeting people that I admired so much like Jennifer, Sr, and Peter Gray and Shefali Sudbury and I was like, Oh, I'm so excited to meet these people. And then, you know, my job turned out to be on the ground that it was kind of like, you know, my team said to me, oh, it's amazing how you had so much energy and I'd see you you have a smile on your face, and you'd be having a good time. And it turns out that this is great work for me because I really felt like I was like the host of a party. And I was like, oh, one Perry, Henry, Harvard researcher, me victory. Dunkley, you have so much to talk about, like, I felt like I was at the host of this great party and all these great people that I got to invite, so I was having a really good time and some of the speakers that were kind of in my little cohort, you all gave me so much energy to then be like, okay, come on. Let's go to the next thing. And this is where you go this do this and this is when this is it was fun. I really enjoyed it. It was super fun. And I was so exhausted by Saturday.
Casey O'Roarty 25:02
Oh my gosh, I can only imagine how your team felt because you must have been on WhatsApp like 24/7. Because the WhatsApp, I mean, I there was like our group WhatsApp, and then I'm sure plenty of side what's happening happening? I bet you were exhausted. It was incredible. And so I'm curious too, because I know for me, you know, my message is this, you know, stepping into our joyful courage and being brave and leaning in and being uncomfortable. And all of those things. I know, for me my experience, I definitely had to practice tools, I definitely had moments on this global opportunity. Alongside all of these amazing people that I looked up to that were, in my mind, much bigger deal than I am, right, there definitely was navigating of impostor syndrome and worthiness and comparing myself was even interesting. So I did all my traveling with Julieta. And she's this like little bubbly people person, and I think I'm a people person. But all of a sudden, I was questioning how much of a people person I was like noticing like, Oh, my God, Giuliana, she's just so adorable. And like, watching myself slide into this old pattern that used to show up with girlfriends, like in high school, like comparing myself, I feel so clunky and very rare man, they like her more than me, and catching myself and really leaning into the tools that I practice with my kids with my husband out in the world around, I'm gonna feel my feet, I'm going to, you know, offer self compassion, self love, I belong here. That's why I'm here. I'm worthy to be here, and had to, you know, carve out time every day to really be in that practice? What were some of the things that came up to you, if any, that invited you into some of the mindfulness tools that you have practiced throughout your life? Did you have any wonky moments like I did?
Rachel Macy Stafford 26:57
Oh, yeah, for sure. I had them for a year going to the conference, because I was in this team of people who had put on amazing events and who had worked at Google and put on global conferences. And I was like, I've spoken in front of, you know, probably 50 people in person. And I've led some retreats, and you know, but they've all been small things like that, like always very intimate. And so I knew that I loved speaking, obviously, a mindful motorbike as I like to talk. And I knew for me, it was about the speaking in public the like, doing a talk and giving a talk. That was for me, the hardest thing. And so I know that my tendency is to sort of procrastinate and be like, I got this and then just wing it and not do such a great job. So I actually really, really did the opposite of that this time. And I really prepared and I got a speaking coach, and I practice speaking, and I listened to myself speaking and I worked on it. And that helped me by the time I got to the stage when 250 People are in front of me, and then I was happy with how I did. And then I was really happy when Jennifer senior who did a TED talk in front of Al Gore 100 And whatever would have known that you haven't done a lot of public speaking you should do. And I was like, that's like the best thing. Anybody could have
Casey O'Roarty 28:24
said to me. Yes, I love that.
Rachel Macy Stafford 28:28
So for me, it was like, it kind of felt like my college chemistry class. Like, I don't know, if I'm good at this. I haven't done, you know, necessarily a lot of this in the past. But if I get enough help, and I work on it, and I focus, you know, whatever you practice grows stronger. And it felt like that it felt like that A minus I got in college chemistry.
Casey O'Roarty 28:46
Oh, good. Well done on that. I love that. I love that we can recognize places where we have growth. And I'm totally relating to that I got this, I got this. It was funny how many iterations of my talk I created. But it was like every time it was just kind of take that out. But that didn't take that out. Put that in, take that out until I got to really until I got to the stage. And I was like, Okay, here we are. I've got my cool, whatever presentation
Rachel Macy Stafford 29:16
that you had an interactive presentation, even Julieta oh my gosh, my presentation. You guys went so fancy. I was really nervous about you and your tech.
Casey O'Roarty 29:27
So where are we I have a great picture of Julieta in the middle of all the tech guys pointing at the laptop and making sure like we had a variety of like, how are we going to make this happen if that doesn't work, and if that doesn't work, and if that doesn't work? So once we settled into Okay, okay, it works and we became intimately involved with the tech team, then I think we both you know, had a sigh of relief for sure.
Rachel Macy Stafford 29:52
Hey, I just want to give a shout out here to the team on the ground there at this conference. I had zero contact with them really at all. beforehand, and we didn't know what to expect. And when we got there, there were so, you know, on it, there was such a high level of production, there were dancers, there were musicians, there was hair and makeup, there was an incredible photography team, the tech team was just great, you know, and incredible, I just want to give a shout out to this team on the ground that threw together this incredible experience in incredibly short amount of time.
Casey O'Roarty 30:24
Yeah, for sure. It was amazing. They really pulled it off. And it felt very professional and very polished. And just, again, such an honor to be there. Anything else that you want to make sure to share about the shared experience that we had any favorite moments?
Rachel Macy Stafford 30:41
I mean, I think for me, the thing that really pulls out for me is just it was like the power of community, the power of coming together in person who would not have been the same, you know, they were always very insistent. And it was during all these COVID spikes and things that had to be in person. And that's hard when you have to have people fly for 14 hours. But I'm so glad it was because the personal in an age where we're becoming so independent of one another, you know, but those points like, we're, you know, we need each other, right, and we need to connect and that there's such a power in that community. I'm just so grateful that somebody wanted to put those kind of resources into something like parenting, which is traditionally not funded and celebrated, to that extent, and the power of coming together in a community and seeing, like, hear all these points of overlap that we have, and that we share and to have these connections, especially I connected in a lot of ways with some of these moms on the ground in Abu Dhabi and to talk to them and hear their stories and hear about their kids and their challenges. And it was just amazing to me how they all ask the same questions people ask here. It was so interesting, you know, that universality of it, and to me, it was a huge touchstone in my life, I think.
Casey O'Roarty 32:10
Yeah, definitely. Me too. We're each gonna share this conversation on our pods. So I'm just gonna let your listeners know that I'm Casey already.
Rachel Macy Stafford 32:21
Yeah, I'll introduce you.
Casey O'Roarty 32:25
Okay, great. You can listen to my show joyful courage podcast, wherever you listen to hunters show and find my work at beast browseable.com/teens. And Hunter, where can my listeners find you?
Rachel Macy Stafford 32:39
Well, you can listen to the mindful mama podcast, anywhere you listen to podcast. And you can grab raising good humans anywhere you want to listen or read books. And you can find me mindful mama mentor.com. Yep.
Casey O'Roarty 32:53
And we're both on Instagram. We're both on the socials. Maybe don't connect with us on LinkedIn, because we rarely check in there. Unless you are some amazing human that wants to put together a global conference and feel free to reach out wherever you want. Hunter, it's so good to see you. I can't wait till the next time we're in person together. Thanks for spending time with me today.
Rachel Macy Stafford 33:14
Thank you, Casey. It's so nice to see you. And I love your energy and what you bring to the world and inviting you and Julieta or it's one of the best decisions I've made in that conference. I'm so glad that we got to be there together. Thank you
Casey O'Roarty 33:37
thank you so much for listening in today. Thank you to my spreadable partners as well as Chris Mann and the team at pod shaper for all the support with getting the show out there and making it sound good. Check out our offers for parents with kids of all ages and sign up for our newsletter to stay connected at B spreadable.com. Tune back in later this week for our Thursday show and I'll be back with another interview next Monday. Peace