Eps 470: Positive Discipline concepts for the adolescent years
Episode 470
This week I am taking us back to the core concepts of PD. For some of you it will be a review, for others it will be no – no matter, this show is sure to take EVERYONE deeper in their thinking about how we be in relationship with our kids as they move through the season of adolescence.
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Takeaways from the show

- Gratitude for new reviews ❤️
- The basic concepts of Positive Discipline
- Kindness and firmness
- Encouragement
- Discipline to teach
- Effective communication
- Behavior makes sense
- Mistakes are opportunities to learn
- Having the courage to be imperfect
Today Joyful Courage means following through with what I say I’m going to do even when it’s hard to do. It is about prioritizing my time and tasks. It’s about loving my 18 year old even when he is LITERALLY driving me crazy… 🤣
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