Eps 85: Free Range Parenting with Kim Estes

Episode 85

Today’s guest is Kim Estes, a speaker and coach who talks to parents of kids from pre-school to adolescents about safety concerns. We are discussing free-range parenting today. Join us!

“Our kids are wanting to explore their world and it’s our job to teach them to do it safely.” 

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Takeaways from the show

  • Misconceptions about free-range parenting
  • Boundaries in free-range parenting: subject to change based on individual children and age-level
  • Assessing age and individual capacity specific boundaries – the value of checking in for safety
  • Free-range parenting as giving kids space to practice intuition
  • Fear of judgment and free-range parenting
  • Risk assessment and safety – likelihood of concerns relating to traffic safety and abduction
  • Assessing risk tolerance as parents
  • Stranger safety vs Stranger danger
  • Free-range parenting as freedom within structure
  • Finding the happy medium: learning new skills with appropriate boundaries
  • Being consistent about expectations and boundaries
  • Mistakes as learning experiences – handling situations where things don’t go as planned
  • Being available and non-judgmental when negotiating boundaries – dropping into curiosity to keep communication lines open
  • No questions asked, do-overs on both sides and owning failure
  • Exercising self-compassion and forgiveness when you don’t realize you’re being called to “the big show”

What does Joyful Courage mean to you?

Joyful courage means to me to be able to parent courageously even if it’s uncomfortable, but at the end of the day, having something that feels good for everybody even if it’s the smallest success.



Where to find Kim:

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