Megan Barella Talks about Navigating Parenting as a Trauma Survivor

Episode 41

Megan Barella loves to help parents unlock their parenting power through her classes and coaching programs. As a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, she brings a holistic approach to help people live and parent in connection with their highest selves. “The Getting to Gold Project” is the program Megan is developing for parents who are trauma survivors. Megan loves to cook, dance, do art projects, and spend time in the woods with her 7 year old son in the Portland, OR area. 

Highlights from the conversation:

–       The stress response system takes over
–      Through awareness we can bring what is happening internally into the open
–       Parenting is incredible, courageous work
–       Dan Siegel, Parenting From the Inside Out
–       We want our kids to thrive!
–       Becky Bailey of Conscious Discipline – “Awareness is the first agent of positive change”
–       Be a gentle observer – awareness + self compassion ((you tube video))
–       Hand over Heart
–       Mistakes are opportunities to learn
–       Power of Repair
–       Showing up the best we can with the tools we have
–       Our mistakes are not us!!  Our patterns are what we have taken on to survive…
–       Narrative therapy
–       “I am not defined by my mistakes”
–       Our body reads stress AS fear
–       The power of our positive intent

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