Summer Series: Episode 199, Revisiting the Brilliance of Dr. Dan Siegel

Episode 199


Hey friends! Welcome back to Joyful Courage – a conscious parenting podcast, where we get real and raw about the parenting journey. You have tuned in to another SUMMER SERIES EPISODE!!  As you may be able to hear in my voice – I am getting over a summer cold. Lucky me….

This week I am replaying a conversation that I had one year ago, almost to THE DAY, with one of my DREAM GUESTs, Dr. Dan Siegel. I am so glad that when I record, there is only audio going on, because I was grinning like a fool while talking to Dr. Siegel. Anyone who knows his work, KNOWS, he is the real deal. Super brilliant. Super dedicated to supporting parents in a way that MATTERS.

His books, which he co-authored with another Joyful Courage fave guest, Dr. Tina Bryson, include the whole brain child, no drama discipline, and the yes brain. He also wrote, Brainstorm, the power and purpose of the teen brain – a guide for every parent and teen to understand more fully the special, unique brain development that happens during adolescents…

Dr. Seigel came on last summer to discuss his book, Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence. I love LOVED this discussion, and I think you will too!!

“The most important gift we can give our kids is showing up with our mental presence, not just physically being present but to have the state of awareness and open to who they actually are.” 

“Presence is a state of perceptive awareness.”

“Information is transformation.”

“You have the ability to cultivate the presence of mind through these very simple and accessible practices that are going to bring health to your body, slow the aging process, reduce stress, all these positive things and the same exact process, developing your hub of your wheel of awareness, presence, can actually deeply enrich the way your child is soaking in his or her relationship with you and developing this experience of being seen, of being soothed, of being safe, of being secure that research shows is exactly what your child needs to optimize how they go out into life, and that’s something you’re empowered to create.”

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Takeaways from the show
  • The wheel of awareness: what it is and how it helps
  • How awareness impacts your body and health
  • How being present impacts the speed of the aging process
  • Wellbeing and how it is enhanced by being present
  • Relationships with your kids and how being present improves it
  • Cultivating awareness
  • Role modeling resilience
  • How awareness feeds connection vs control
  • Impacts of a lack of structure on the brain and future of children
  • Authoritative parenting vs Authoritarian parenting
  • Why we need the village and how that creates stress for contemporary parents
  • Finding joy, tranquility and connection through expanding awareness
  • Flipping our lid, learning from our body’s signals and how awareness can help
  • Monitoring and modifying for self-regulation and to improve responses to stress
  • The 3 O’s what they mean

What does Joyful Courage mean to you?

Joyful Courage, to me, means having the presence of mind to dive into this receptive state of awareness, this hub of the wheel, to tap into the power of being connected with whatever arises inside of you, this kind of “bring it on” attitude, that’s the courage. And the joy that arises as you liberate yourself from what a lot of us get imprisoned by which is “I have to control everything” instead, with presence, you let things emerge within you and then you let integration, connecting with your child, for example, in ways that are filled with love and connection that is honoring who your child is, honoring yourself too, but then linking together with compassionate, close relationships. That’s what I think joyful courage and courageous joy is all about.



Mind, A Journey To The Heart of Being Human
Brainstorm, The Power and purpose of the teenage brain
The Whole Brain Child
No Drama Discipline
The Yes Brain
Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence
The Telomere Effect by Elizabeth Blackburn

Where to find Dr. Siegel

Facebook | Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | LinkedIn

Mindsight Institute
UCLA Mindful Research Centre

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