THROWBACK THURSDAY: Eps 262 with Dr. Pamela Ellis

My guest today is Pamela Ellis.
In her more than 20 years working in education research and as a financial executive in the private sector, Pamela Ellis—The Education Doctor® has emerged as a leading authority on what it takes for students to thrive in education and, thereby, in life.
Her work supports parents find the school where their children can thrive—the one that feels like home.
Where to find Pamela:
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Takeaways from the show

- Struggles parents are going through with supporting kids for college
- Myths about getting into college
- ACT and SAT myths
- Looking for a college that fits with you
- How soon parents of college bound kids should be making moves for their future
- Benefits of taking a gap year
- Breaking down what to think about as your kids move through each year of high school
- Reading for pleasure
- Understanding scholarships
Where to find Pamela:
Parenting through the middle and school years is TOUGH. If you are committed to parenting with Positive Discipline, you may feel challenged to know when to lean in, when to let go, and what are reasonable limits to create and enforce.
During this event, parents will learn about the teen brain, tease apart the difference between punishments, consequences, and boundaries – and take away the tools and mindset that matter MOST as you lead your family through this season of parenting.
Join us on Zoom Tuesday, April 26th from 5 – 7 pm PST. The cost is FREE.
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