Eps 477: Tackling screen challenges intentionally with Emily Cherkin
Episode 477
I am SO glad you’re here this week for my second chat with Emily Cherkin, AKA The Screentime Consultant.
We start by talking about what Emily’s been seeing & dealing with lately: managing screentime at home, reigning screentime in after Covid struggles, and kids having more access to tech at younger ages than ever before. It’s obvious that parents are really trying to figure out how to set screentime limits that actually work without isolating our kids from their social network or hindering their schoolwork. We also get into screens & tech in the bedroom & our hypocrisy on expectations around screentime.
After catching up on all of that, we dig into AI – what AI is, how quickly it’s changing, & the lack of transparency and understanding around AI. Emily shares her TLDR around all tech: “less is more, later is better, & relationships first.” Emily and I ponder on what parents can do when they want their kids to have a phone for emergencies, and she shares what her two questions for parents are around screentime.
Guest Description
A former middle school English teacher and parent of two, Emily Cherkin, MEd., consults with parents, offers school presentations and professional development training, and writes about parenting and screentime to bring her tech-intentional approach to as many people as possible. Emily’s book “The Screentime Solution: A Judgment-Free Guide to Becoming a Tech-Intentional Family” is an Amazon bestseller and available everywhere books are sold.
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Takeaways from the show

- How do we set screentime limits that actually work and are helpful?!
- Tech use is all about balance
- Managing screentime at home
- Reigning in screentime after COVID
- Screens & electronics in bedrooms
- What is AI?
- “Less is more, later is better, & relationships first”
- How adolescents having phones helps & exacerbates parental stressors
- Do you know what your kid is doing on their device?
- You have the tools you need to manage this!
What does joyful courage mean to you
My immediate thought was, to me, courage is doing the right thing, even when it’s hard, or speaking up, even when it’s scary. That’s really how I lead in my life: walk the walk and talk the talk. Doing so with joy means that I’m in the right spot – I’m in alignment with what I care about because it’s not just a job, it’s a passion. It’s something I truly believe will make the world a better place. I’m full of cliches, but I love that – joyful courage.
Joyful Courage Episode 314: Becoming Tech Intentional with Emily Cherkin
“The Screentime Solution: A Judgment-Free Guide to Becoming a Tech-Intentional Family” Book
Emily’s Website: The Screentime Consultant
Emily’s Blog Post: The Problem With AI in Education Isn’t What You Think
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