Positive Discipline Parenting Blog

Sproutable's Positive Discipline blog.

Real tips. Real talk. Read & grow.

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Getting kids to cooperate through fun and play

How do I get a child to listen without yelling or nagging? How do I invite cooperation through fun and play? One Positive Discipline tool that makes a big difference in my days as a[...]

By Danielle Taylor


Getting kids to cooperate through fun and play

How do I get a child to listen without yelling or nagging? How do I invite cooperation through fun and play? One Positive Discipline tool that makes a big difference in my days as a nanny is keeping a sense of humor. Working with children is inherently funny, so lean in! At Sproutable we are […]

By Danielle Taylor


Preparing kids for flu shots + vaccines

Kids have been getting shots since they were little, and yet it feels like each time a flu shot or vaccine comes around it is a totally new ordeal. While parents may be relieved at the protection, guess who is NOT doing a happy dance. The kids! Most dread that larger than life needle. So how do you prepare kids for vaccines and possible after effects? We’ve got tips to help.

By Julietta Skoog


Masks & Kids

We can help keep our communities stay safe and slow the spread of COVID-19 by wearing face coverings and helping our children to do this as well. Public Health recommends both parents and children to wear face coverings when you are at any indoor or outdoor public space where you may be within 6 feet […]

By Julietta Skoog


Special Time, a Super Tool to Stop Attention Seeking

I have a secret. I am not enough. Yep, not enough. No matter what the self-help books and Instagram quotes say, I will never ever be enough. My kids will always want more. Once I realized I am THAT loved by them, and THAT important to them, I stopped trying to chase the “end.” One more game, one more hug- nope, they will never be filled. This is a GOOD thing. It means that our open channel of attachment, love, and connection is always flowing. It also means I am human and so are they. This is when I started implementing, with fidelity, the simple Positive Discipline tool called Special Time.

By Julietta Skoog


5 Ways to Use the Wheel of Choice

The Positive Discipline tool Wheel of Choice not only sounds like a carnival game, it is also a way to find the fun, teach independence, and increase intrinsic motivation through choice. We can all use a little bridge to support us through transitions, and this is especially true for kids. 

By Julietta Skoog


How to Talk to Kids about Social Distancing

We can’t expect young children to truly understand what social distancing looks like in public spaces. Just like any skill, we have to break it down into small steps and meet them where they are developmentally. It’s important to understand that the ability to inhibit our actions actually comes from a very high-level brain function […]

By Julietta Skoog
