Positive Discipline Parenting Blog

Sproutable's Positive Discipline blog.

Real tips. Real talk. Read & grow.

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Promoting Flexibility in Children

Something we’re always coming back to in Positive Discipline are the long-term goals and the traits we hope to see in the kiddos we care for once they reach adulthood.  One life skill that I[...]

By Danielle Taylor


Exploring “Is This Positive Discipline?”

A lot of parents and caregivers who read my blogs or listen to my podcast are interested in Positive Discipline philosophy but haven’t actually taken a Positive Discipline class or program. You might hear some things that inspire you, but you may be asking, “Is this Positive Discipline?” I know it can feel unclear, so I want to break it down so you know some criteria about if you’re handling things the Positive Discipline way. Know that I’m not here to judge! It’s not about being a perfect parent, it’s about sharing information and guidance to support you if you’re heading in a Positive Discipline direction in your home and with your kids.

By Casey O'Roarty


Why I teach my nanny kids how to do things for themselves

If we want our nanny charges to learn life skills, we start by explicitly teaching those skills. Nobody just knows how to do laundry or scramble an egg - even basic life skills need to be taught clearly and explicitly with step-by-step training. Typically, the best way to do this is to model and narrate, then move into doing the task together, then the child does it while you supervise, and eventually the child is ready to do that task on their own. Think about making your bed, it seems pretty simple, right? Well, maybe not

By Danielle Taylor


How does firmness show up for you?  

Something that’s been coming up with my clients lately, as well as in my own life, is firmness. I was on a call this morning with other Positive Discipline trainers, and we were asked to think about the difference between authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting, specifically around firmness.

By Casey O'Roarty


Five Phrases to Leave in 2022

One thing I’m always trying to improve on is my language and communication with children. I invite you to consider these five phrases that well-intentioned adults use with kids and offer some alternatives that might be worth trying out.

By Danielle Taylor


Being present with your teen’s school discouragement

A mom in our community shared this:  “I’m struggling so much parenting my 15 year old son.  He is so negative.  He’s very smart & has friends, but he says he hates school, that the education system is stupid, homework is a waste, etc.  He is literally negative about everything, yet he won’t do anything […]

By Casey O'Roarty


Teacher Tom’s First Book – a nanny review

As a parent or caregiver, you might not be immediately drawn to a book written by a teacher and about teaching, but it is absolutely relevant and engaging for anyone who has children in their lives.  My copy is highlighted, tabbed, and has post-it notes falling out of it from all the notes I was jotting down & sections I want to remember! 

By Danielle Taylor


The Power of the Perfect Children’s Book

One of the hardest parts of parenting is helping our young children navigate their emotional roller coasters. Yet big emotions are a necessary part of their development. It helps them communicate when they don’t have the words or the skills to stay regulated, solve problems, face fears, deal with disappointment or frankly navigate all their young brains are learning and processing. It is a lot.

By Julietta Skoog


A Day as a Positive Discipline Nanny

Being a Positive Discipline nanny truly makes my job so much smoother & more enjoyable! I often say that after being trained in Positive Discipline, I feel like I’m playing on easy mode. This is the true story of how I saw Positive Discipline showing up for me and my nanny kiddos on what had the potential to be a pretty awful Monday.

By Danielle Taylor


Teaching kids how to manage anger

One thing I adore about Positive Discipline is how much time and effort is spent on teaching children how to recognize and handle their emotions. It is so powerful to teach that all feelings are valid (though their actions because of those feelings may not be)! What a relief for a child to know that it’s okay to be angry, and that it will pass. Anger doesn’t feel good, but knowing that it’s both normal and temporary sure helps. Here's how to make and use an anger wheel of choice with your nanny kids.

By Danielle Taylor


Reconnecting with your child after a tough day

There are some dark days while parenting, and even tougher nights when we lay our head on the pillow and wish things could have been different that day. We might feel disconnected, resentful and sad. This is because we are human! So are our children. We make mistakes. We are in relationship with each other, and we are all still growing and practicing. The beauty and gifts that our children give us is the gift of grace, and the gift of forgiveness. We get to give them this too. There is always another day and a chance to try a new way of being together.

By Julietta Skoog
