Positive Discipline Parenting Blog

Sproutable's Positive Discipline blog.

Real tips. Real talk. Read & grow.

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Navigating Sleep Regressions in Your Little One’s Developmental Journey 

I once worked with a family whose child, an eccentric 18-month-old, was learning a new song. They told me that every night for three nights in a row, their child would wake up in the[...]

By Jade Folk


Talking to kids about friendships

There was a time, maybe you remember this too, when we were taught to be friends with everybody. Being nice, getting along, and not creating conflict was rewarded with approval from the adults, and led to confusion for the kids. They knew it wasn’t that simple. There were kids that they just didn’t vibe with, […]

By Julietta Skoog


How does firmness show up for you?  

Something that’s been coming up with my clients lately, as well as in my own life, is firmness. I was on a call this morning with other Positive Discipline trainers, and we were asked to think about the difference between authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting, specifically around firmness.

By Casey O'Roarty


Five Phrases to Leave in 2022

One thing I’m always trying to improve on is my language and communication with children. I invite you to consider these five phrases that well-intentioned adults use with kids and offer some alternatives that might be worth trying out.

By Danielle Taylor


When nanny kids miss their parent

“I WANT MY MAMA!” We’ve all been there- watching your nanny kiddos meltdown because they miss their parents. How can we best support our charges, both beforehand and in the moment, when they’re missing their parents? Here are my 5 tools to help nanny kids when they miss their parent or caregiver.

By Danielle Taylor


Teacher Tom’s First Book – a nanny review

As a parent or caregiver, you might not be immediately drawn to a book written by a teacher and about teaching, but it is absolutely relevant and engaging for anyone who has children in their lives.  My copy is highlighted, tabbed, and has post-it notes falling out of it from all the notes I was jotting down & sections I want to remember! 

By Danielle Taylor


Free Professional Development for Nannies

Nannying may be a “work of heart,” but it’s also a legitimate, serious career.  Attending conferences, pursuing higher education, certifications, trainings, and reading the latest in child-development can all make you stand out as a candidate and make you a more confident, competent nanny.  Of course the downside here is that many of these opportunities can break-the-bank, so we’ve compiled a list of free professional development just for nannies! 

By Danielle Taylor


The Power of the Perfect Children’s Book

One of the hardest parts of parenting is helping our young children navigate their emotional roller coasters. Yet big emotions are a necessary part of their development. It helps them communicate when they don’t have the words or the skills to stay regulated, solve problems, face fears, deal with disappointment or frankly navigate all their young brains are learning and processing. It is a lot.

By Julietta Skoog


Joyful Courage & Sproutable: one space for all parents & caregivers

We began merging our backgrounds in psychology, early child development, public health, counseling, mindfulness, social emotional learning, social justice, racial equity and Positive Discipline, joining forces to go farther than either of us could do on our own. We used innovation, technology, Alanna’s idea of videos of REAL families, and an online platform to share the helpful, immediately useful and mutually-respectful tools world wide.

By Julietta Skoog


Reconnecting with your nanny child after a tough day

Even the best nannies and loveliest kiddos have tough days sometimes. It’s inevitable! But part of our job as a professional is coming back the next day refreshed and ready to try again. This can be easier said than done. How do we reconnect with our nanny kiddos after a particularly challenging day? Here’s what I do. Self-Care How can we care for others when our cup is empty?

By Danielle Taylor


Empowering Kids to Navigate Social Conflict

Even for those of us who don’t fall into the “helicopter” model, when we hear “the kids were mean to me today” we are so quick to slip into mama/papa bear mode, ready to make phone calls and take those mean kids D-O-W-N! This topic, of course, was fitting to some of what my own kids are going through right now (that always seems to happen, right?).  And I find my response to their experience is quick – MAKE IT STOP.  We are all so quick to project into a future of our kids being bullied, ostracized and so desperate that they don’t see any way out

By Casey O'Roarty
