Positive Discipline Parenting Blog

Sproutable’s Positive Discipline blog for parents and caregivers of children toddler to elementary school.

Real tips. Real talk. Read & grow.

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Connecting with Early Elementary Schoolers

A huge tenet of Positive Discipline is building & nurturing the relationship between you and the child(ren) you care for.  We call this connection.  Some connection-building is instant and easy: you’ll end up bonding with[...]

By Danielle Taylor


The Power of the Perfect Children’s Book

One of the hardest parts of parenting is helping our young children navigate their emotional roller coasters. Yet big emotions are a necessary part of their development. It helps them communicate when they don’t have the words or the skills to stay regulated, solve problems, face fears, deal with disappointment or frankly navigate all their young brains are learning and processing. It is a lot.

By Julietta Skoog


Reconnecting with your child after a tough day

There are some dark days while parenting, and even tougher nights when we lay our head on the pillow and wish things could have been different that day. We might feel disconnected, resentful and sad. This is because we are human! So are our children. We make mistakes. We are in relationship with each other, and we are all still growing and practicing. The beauty and gifts that our children give us is the gift of grace, and the gift of forgiveness. We get to give them this too. There is always another day and a chance to try a new way of being together.

By Julietta Skoog


5 summer ideas for nanny kiddos

Summer is fun, exciting, and a wonderful change of pace (especially here in rainy Seattle!), but it also means that the routines we’ve counted on and been polishing all school-year are about to change. For many families, nannies, and kiddos, summer means travel, playdates, and sunshine. How can we as nannies set ourselves, our charges, and our families up for a great summer?

By Danielle Taylor


7 fun teeth brushing tricks

Brushing teeth can be a nightly battle for most families. You are not alone! Parents are tired by the end of the day and running on reserve, just when it seems our kids are ramping up. Try these ideas to find the fun and invite cooperation into your little one’s teeth brushing routine. Remember that kids […]

By Julietta Skoog


Raising Good Humans

I just finished reading “Raising Good Humans” by Hunter Clarke-Fields. I’m constantly reading parenting books, and I’d happily recommend “Raising Good Humans” both to nannies and parents who are new to mindful parenting or who want to brush up on Positive Discipline tools and strategies.

By Danielle Taylor


Tips for Eating Out with Young Kids

How do you feel when you go to a restaurant with your kids? Relaxed and happy? Anxious and stressed? Do you brace yourself for the disaster or embrace the opportunity to take it public? The reframe is that the challenge of eating out is also the chance at practicing social and executive functioning skills and strengthening your relationship. Try these tips to make eating out with children actually fun (gasp!).

By Julietta Skoog


Joyful Courage & Sproutable: one space for all parents & caregivers

We began merging our backgrounds in psychology, early child development, public health, counseling, mindfulness, social emotional learning, social justice, racial equity and Positive Discipline, joining forces to go farther than either of us could do on our own. We used innovation, technology, Alanna’s idea of videos of REAL families, and an online platform to share the helpful, immediately useful and mutually-respectful tools world wide.

By Julietta Skoog


Embracing pretend play with kids

It’s been a bit of a surprise for me over the last few years to realize that playing pretend isn’t as easy as I once thought.  I know I sure enjoyed it as a child, but as an adult it can feel just a bit tedious, repetitive, and perhaps is not the most engaging part of the day.  However, playing pretend with your nanny kiddos is a great way to build connection!  I also see pretend play really building those life skills that we want to see in our nanny charges when they are adults. 

By Danielle Taylor


Preparing kids for flu shots + vaccines

Kids have been getting shots since they were little, and yet it feels like each time a flu shot or vaccine comes around it is a totally new ordeal. While parents may be relieved at the protection, guess who is NOT doing a happy dance. The kids! Most dread that larger than life needle. So how do you prepare kids for vaccines and possible after effects? We’ve got tips to help.

By Julietta Skoog



Can toddlers and preschoolers suffer from nightmares? How can I help my toddler and preschooler with nightmares? Why does my 2 year old wake up screaming?How do I stop my child from having nightmares? You are not alone. It is a normal developmental stage and they often come in waves where young children will have them a few days in a row and then not have any again for a few weeks. Here are some tips to help!

By Julietta Skoog
